Configuring local costmap parameters

Following is the local costmap configuration of this robot. The configuration of
this file is located in chefbot_bringup/param/local_costmap_params.yaml.

   global_frame: odom 
   robot_base_frame: /base_footprint 
   update_frequency: 5.0 
   publish_frequency: 2.0 
   static_map: false 
   rolling_window: true 
   width: 4.0 
   height: 4.0 
   resolution: 0.05 
   transform_tolerance: 0.5  

The global_frame, robot_base_frame, publish_frequency, and static_map are the same as the global costmap. The rolling_window parameter makes the costmap centered around the robot. If we set this parameter to true, we will get a costmap that is built centered around the robot. The width , height, and resolution parameters are the width, height, and resolution of the costmap.

The next step is to configure the base local planner.

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