Methodology of building RViz plugin

Before starting to build this plugin, we should know how to do it. The standard method to build a ROS plugin is applicable for this plugin too. The difference is that the RViz plugin is GUI based. The RViz is written using a GUI framework called Qt, so we need to create a GUI in Qt, and using Qt APIs, we have get the GUI values and send them to the ROS system.

The following steps describe how this teleoperation RViz plugin is going to work:

  • The dockable panel will have a Qt GUI interface and the user can input the topic, linear velocity, and angular velocity of teleoperation from the GUI.
  • Collect the user input from GUI using Qt signals/slots and publish the values using the ROS subscribe and publish method. (The Qt signals and slots are a trigger-invoke technique available in Qt. When a signal/trigger is generated by a GUI field, it can invoke a slot or function like a callback mechanism.)

Here also, we can use the same procedure to build a plugin like we discussed earlier.

Now we can see the step-by-step procedure to build this plugin as follows:

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