Motion planning a random path using MoveIt! C++ APIs

The first example that we are going to see is random motion planning using MoveIt! C++ APIs. You will get the code named test_random.cpp from the src folder. The code and the description of each line follows. When we execute this node, it will plan a random path and execute it:

//MoveIt! header file
#include <moveit/move_group_interface/move_group.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "test_random_node",
// start a ROS spinning thread
ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);
// this connects to a running instance of the move_group node
// Here the Planning group is "arm"
move_group_interface::MoveGroup group("arm");
// specify that our target will be a random one
// plan the motion and then move the group to the sampled target

To build the source code, we should add the following lines of code to CMakeLists.txt. You will get the complete CMakeLists.txt file from the existing package itself:

add_executable(test_random_node src/test_random.cpp)
${catkin_LIBRARIES} )

We can build the package using the catkin_make command. Check whether
test_random.cpp is built properly or not. If the code is built properly, we can
start testing the code.

The following command will start the RViz with 7-DOF arm with motion planning plugin:

$ roslaunch seven_dof_arm_config demo.launch

Move the end-effector to check whether everything is working properly in RViz.

Run the C++ node for planning to a random position using the following command:

$ rosrun seven_dof_arm_test test_random_node

The output of RViz is shown next. The arm will select a random position that has a valid IK and motion plan from the current position:

Figure 1: Random motion planning using move_group APIs
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