Creating an ROS node to use data from the 9DoF sensor in our robot

Now that we have our low-cost IMU working in ROS, we are going to create a new node that subscribes to the imu/data topics from the Razor IMU. For example, we can see in our robot model the pitch, roll, and heading depending on the IMU data. So, let's create a new node based on our c8_odom.cpp. We will name this file c8_odom_with_imu.cpp.

Now, we are going to make some modifications. First, we will include sensor_msgs/Imu to be able to subscribe to IMU topics:

#include <sensor_msgs/Imu.h&gt; 

Also, we need a global variable to store IMU data:

sensor_msgs::Imu imu; 

Then, we are going to create a callback function to obtain IMU data:

void imuCallback(const sensor_msgs::Imu &imu_msg) 
  imu = imu_msg; 

In the main function, we need to declare a subscriber to /imu_data topic:

ros::Subscriber imu_sub = n.subscribe("imu_data", 10, 

And we have to assign each odom transform to the right IMU orientation data:

odom_trans.transform.rotation.x = imu.orientation.x; 
odom_trans.transform.rotation.y = imu.orientation.y; 
odom_trans.transform.rotation.z = imu.orientation.z; 
odom_trans.transform.rotation.w = imu.orientation.w; 

Also, we have to assign the pose of the robot to the orientation obtained by the IMU:

odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = imu.orientation.x; 
odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = imu.orientation.y; 
odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = imu.orientation.z; 
odom.pose.pose.orientation.w = imu.orientation.w; 

Once we have created this file and compile it, we are able to run this example:

    $ roslaunch razor_imu_9dof razor-pub-and-display.launch
    $ roslaunch chapter8_tutorials chapter8_robot_imu.launch

You will see the Razor IMU display and the robot model in the RViz visualizer.
The robot model will have the pose and orientation of the Razor IMU.

Razor IMU display and robot model in Rviz
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