Creating URDF for an industrial robot

Creating the URDF file for an ordinary robot and industrial robot are the same, but in industrial robots, there are some standards that should be strictly followed during its URDF modeling, which are as follows:

  • Simplify the URDF design: The URDF file should be simple and readable and only need the important tags
  • Common design: Developing a common design formula for all industrial robots by various vendors
  • Modularizing URDF: The URDF needs to modularize using XACRO macros and it can be included in a large URDF file without much hassle.

The following points are the main difference in the URDF design followed by ROS-I.

  • Collision-Aware: The industrial robot IK planners are collision aware so the URDF should contain accurate collision 3D mesh for each link. Every link in the robot should export to STL or DAE with a proper coordinate system. The coordinate system which ROS-I is following are X-axis pointing forward and Z-axis pointing up when each joint is in zero position. It is also to be noted that if the joint's origin coincides with the base of the robot, the transformation will be simpler. It will be good if we are putting robot-based joints in zero position (origin), which can simplify the robot design.
  • In ROS-I, the mesh file used for visual purpose is highly detailed, but the mesh file used for collision will not be detailed, because it takes more time to perform collision checking. In order to remove the mesh details, we can use tools such as MeshLab ( using its option (Filters -> Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction -> Convex Hull).
  • URDF Joint conventions: The orientation value of each robot joint is limited to single rotation, that is, out of the two orientation (roll, pitch, and yaw) values, only one value will be there.
  • Xacro Macros: In ROS-I, the entire manipulator section is written as a macro using xacro. We can add an instance of this macro in another macro file, which can be used for generating a URDF file. We can also include additional end effector definitions on this same file.
  • Standards Frames: In ROS-I, the base_link frame should be the first link and tool0 (tool-zero) should be the end effector link. Also, the base frame should match with the base of the robot controller. In most cases, transform from base to base_link is treated as fixed.

After building the xacro file for the industrial robot, we can convert to URDF and verify it using the following command:

    $ rosrun xacro -o <urdf_file> <xacro_file>
    $ check_urdf <urdf_file>

Next, we can discuss the differences in creating the MoveIt! configuration for an industrial robot.

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