Displaying the global and local cost map

The following RViz screenshot shows the local cost map, the global cost map, the real obstacles, and the inflated obstacles. The display type of each of these maps is map itself.

  • Local cost map topic: /move_base/local_costmap/costmap
  • Local cost map topic type: nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
  • Global cost map topic: /move_base/global_costmap/costmap
  • Global cost map topic type: nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
Figure 18 : Visualizing global and local map, and real and inflated obstacle in RViz

To avoid collision with the real obstacles, it is inflated to some distance from real obstacles called inflated obstacle as per the values in the configuration files. The robot only plans a path beyond the inflated obstacle; inflation is a technique to avoid collision with the real obstacles.

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