Global settings in Eclipse IDE

Following are the global settings that we have to do in Eclipse IDE. We don't need to do these settings for each project. These are only one-time settings.

  • Launch Eclipse IDE from the Ubuntu search bar.
  • Go to Window | Preferences. from the Preferences Window, choose C/C++ | Build | Settings and then choose the Discovery tab. Select CDT GCC Build Output Parser [Shared]. Select the Compiler command pattern to (.*gcc)|(.*[gc]++)|(.*clang). Also check the Project option that is a part of Container to keep discovered entries. Click on the Apply button and then on the OK button to confirm the settings. These settings enable eclipse to find C++ 11 traits inside the package. The settings are shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2: Settings inside Eclipse Preferences
  • In the next step, click on the CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings [ Shared ] option from the Discovery tab and change the entry under Command to get compiler specs to ${COMMAND} -E -P -v -dD -std=c++11 "${INPUTS}".
Figure 3: Eclipse Compiler settings
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