Step 4 - Implementing plugin loader using calculator_loader.cpp

This plugin loader node loads each plugin and inputs the number to each plugin
and fetch's the result from the plugin. We can locate the calculator_loader.cpp file from the chapter_5_codes/pluginlib_calculator/src folder.

Here is the explanation of this code:

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> 
#include <pluginlib/class_loader.h> 
#include <pluginlib_calculator/calculator_base.h> 

These are the necessary header files to load the plugins:


The pluginlib provides the ClassLoader class, which is inside class_loader.h, to load classes in runtime. We need to provide a name for the loader and the calculator base class as arguments:

   boost::shared_ptr<calculator_base::calc_functions> add = 

This will create an instance of the Add class using the ClassLoader object:

    double result = add->operation(); 

These lines give an input and perform the operations in the plugin instance.

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