Step 2 – Creating controller header file

We will get the header file my_controller_file.h from the chapter_6_codes/my_controller_pkg/include/my_controller_pkg folder.

Given in the following is the header file definition of my_controller_file.h. We have discussed each line of this code while discussing pr2_controller_interface:

#include <pr2_controller_interface/controller.h>
#include <pr2_mechanism_model/joint.h>

namespace my_controller_ns{

//Inheriting Controller class inside pr2_controller_interface
class MyControllerClass: public pr2_controller_interface::Controller
pr2_mechanism_model::JointState* joint_state_;
double init_pos_;


virtual bool init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot,
ros::NodeHandle &n);
virtual void starting();
virtual void update();
virtual void stopping();

In the preceding code, we can see the controller class MyControllerClass and we are inheriting the base class pr2_controller_interface::Controller. We can see that each function inside the Controller class is overriding in our class.

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