Visualizing the self-driving car and sensor data

The previous packages help you interface a DBW car with ROS. If we don't have a real car, we can work with ROS bag files, visualize data, and process it offline.

The following command helps you visualize the URDF model of a self-driving car:

    $ roslaunch dbw_mkz_description rviz.launch

You will get following model when you execute it:

Figure 36: Visualization of a self-driving car

If we want to visualize the Velodyne sensor data, other sensors such as GPS and IMU, and control signal such as steering commands, brake, and acceleration, you can use the following commands:

Use this command to download the ROS bag file:

    $ wget

You will get a compressed file from the preceding command; extract it to your home folder.

Now you can run the following command to read data from the bag file:

    $ roslaunch dbw_mkz_can offline.launch

The following command will visualize the car model:

    $ roslaunch dbw_mkz_description rviz.launch

And finally, we have to run the bag file:

    $ rosbag play mkz_20151207.bag -clock

To view the sensor data in Rviz, we have to publish a static transform:

    $ rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.94 0 1.5 0.07 -0.02 0 base_footprint velodyne 50

This is the result:

Figure 37: Visualization of a self-driving car

You can set Fixed Frame as the base_footprint and view the car model and Velodyne data.

The following commands can helps to communicate using ROS with DBW-based cars.

This is the command to do so:

    $ roslaunch dbw_mkz_can dbw.launch

Now you can test the car using a joystick. Here is the command to launch its nodes:

    $ roslaunch dbw_mkz_joystick_demo joystick_demo.launch sys:=true

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