Installing rosbridge_suite

We can install rosbridge_suite using apt-get or build from the source code. First, let's see how to install it via apt-get.

Here are the commands to install it:

    $ sudo apt-get update

On ROS Kinetic:

    $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosbridge-suite

On ROS Indigo:

    $ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosbridge-suite

If you are looking for the latest package, you can clone it and install it.

You can switch to your catkin workspace's src folder and clone the source code using the following command:

    $ git clone

After cloning the folder, you can use catkin_make:

    $ catkin_make

If you encounter any dependency issues, install that package too.

Now we can work with the rosbridge client libraries roslibjs, ros2djs, and ros3djs.

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