Pick and place action in Gazebo and real Robot

The grasping sequence executed in the MoveIt! demo uses fake controllers. We can send the trajectory to the actual robot or Gazebo. In Gazebo, we can launch the grasping world to perform this action. The following commands will perform pick and place in Gazebo.

Launch Gazebo for grasping:

$ roslaunch seven_dof_arm_gazebo seven_dof_arm_bringup_grasping.launch

Start MoveIt! motion planning:

$ roslaunch seven_dof_arm_config moveit_planning_execution.launch

Launch MoveIt! Grasp server:

$ roslaunch seven_dof_arm_gazebo  grasp_generator_server

Run the Grasp client:

$ rosrun seven_dof_arm_gazebo pick_and_place.py

In the real hardware, the only difference is that we need to create joint Trajectory controllers for the arm. One of the commonly used hardware controllers is Dynamixel controller. We will learn more about the Dynamixel controllers in the next section.

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