Creating MoveIt! configuration for an industrial robot

The procedure for creating the MoveIt! interface for industrial robots are same as the other ordinary robot manipulators except in some standard conventions.
The following procedures give a clear idea about these standard conventions:

  • Launch the MoveIt! setup assistant using the following command:
    $ roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch
  • Load the URDF from the robot description folder or convert xacro to URDF and load to the setup assistant
  • Create a Self-Collision matrix with Sampling Density about ~ 80,000.
    This value can increase the collision checking in the arm
  • Add a Virtual Jointmatrix as shown in the following screenshot. Here the virtual and parent frame names are arbitrary.
Figure 3: Adding MoveIt! - Virtual joints
  • In the next step, we are adding Planning Groups for manipulator and End Effector, here also the group names are arbitrary. The default plugin is KDL, we can change it even after creating the MoveIt! configuration.
Figure 4: Creating Planning Groups in MoveIt!

The planning groups, that is, the manipulator plus the end effector configuration, will be shown like this:

Figure 5: Planning groups of manipulator + end effector in MoveIt!
  • We can assign Robot Poses, such as home position, up position, and so on. This setting is an optional one.
  • We can assign End Effectors as shown in the following screenshot; this is also an optional setting:
Figure 6: Setting End Effectors in MoveIt! Setup Assistant
  • After setting the end effector, we can directly generate the configuration files. It should be noted that the moveit-config package should be named as <robot_name>_moveit_config, where robot_name is the name of the URDF file. Also, if we want to move this generated config package to another PC, we need to edit the .setup_assistantfile which is inside the moveit package. We should change the absolute path to the relative path. Here is an example of the abb_irb2400 robot. We should mention the relative path of URDF and SRDF in this file, as follows:
    package: abb_irb2400_support 
    relative_path: urdf/irb2400.urdf 
    relative_path: config/abb_irb2400.srdf 
    generated_timestamp: 1402076252 
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