Setting up Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 14.04.3

Eclipse needs Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in order to work. The following command can install JRE in Ubuntu:

    $ sudo apt-get install default-jre

The first step is to download the latest eclipse IDE. We can get the latest version of Eclipse at

Figure 1: Eclipse IDE download page

Download and extract the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers that is marked on the preceding image. Extract the Eclipse archive file using the following command. Here we are using Eclipse mars for Linux 64 bit:

    $ tar -xvzf eclipse-cpp-<name_version>-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

We will get a folder called eclipse after extraction. Copy the eclipse folder to the
/opt folder using the following command:

    $ sudo cp -r eclipse /opt/

Create a desktop file for the eclipse for accessing from the Ubuntu search bar:

    $ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop

Copy and paste the following content to this file. This file consists of the location of the eclipse executable and its icon:

[Desktop Entry] 
Name=Eclipse Mars Java EE 
Comment=Eclipse IDE for Java C++ Developers 

After saving this file, you can access Eclipse from the search bar itself.

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