Listing ROS nodes, topics, and messages

The commands to inspect nodes, topics, and messages are similar to ROS bash commands. MATLAB provides a command to start sample ROS nodes that can publish topics. You can just call exampleHelperROSCreateSampleNetwork to start these nodes.

Figure 3: ROS-MATLAB commands

You can see that the usage of rosnode and rostopic is the same as with real ROS commands. You can even echo the rostopic using rostopic echo /topic_name. Here is one example, in which we are echoing a topic called /pose:

Figure 4: ROS topic echo output

You can get the complete list of ROS commands in MATLAB using the help command.

Here is the syntax for doing so:

    >> help robotics.ros

This is the screenshot of the list of commands with MATLAB for ROS:

Figure 5: List of ROS-MATLAB commands
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