Integrating ROS-VR application and Leap Motion teleoperation

In this section, we are going to replace the keyboard teleoperation with Leap Motion-based teleoperation. When we roll our hand to the anticlockwise direction, the robot also rotate anticlockwise, and vice versa. If we pitch our hand down, the robot will move forward, and if we pitch it up, it will move backward. So we can start the VR application and Turtlebot simulation like the previous section and, instead of keyboard teleop, run the Leap teleop node.

So before starting the Leap teleop node, launch the PC driver and ROS driver using the following commands:

    $ sudo LeapControlPanel

Start the ROS driver using the following command:

    $ roslaunch leap_motion sensor_sender.launch

Now launch Leap Motion on the Twist node using the following command:

    $ rosrun vr_leap_teleop

Now you can put the VR headset on your head and control the robot using your hand.

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