Setting up rosbridge client libraries

To store all these library files, you can create a folder called ros_web_ws. Actually, there is no need to create a catkin workspace because we don't need to build the modules. You will get the prebuilt modules once you download it from the repositories.

Switch to the ros_web_ws folder and run the following commands to clone each ROS JavaScript library:

For roslibjs:

    $ git clone

For ros2djs:

    $ git clone

For ros3djs:

    $ git clone

If you check out the ros3djs folder, you will see the following:

Figure 2: The ros3d_js module folder

The build folder contains the ros3djs.js modules, which can be used in our web application, and in the examples folder, you can find starter web applications. Similar to ros3djs, you can also find examples from roslibjs and ros2djs.

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