• Maintenance control

    • pure-breakdown (repair), 428

    • pure-preventive, 428

  • Management, 3, 291f

    • accountability, 205206

    • approaches to, 446, 458

    • behavioral approach to, 446, 451453

    • boss-centered leaders, 300

    • bureaucracy, 179

    • CEO compensation, 3t, 4

    • classical approach to, 446451

    • comprehensive analysis of management, 446

    • consensus, 135

    • contingency approach to, 455

    • continual quality improvement, 418419

    • controlling functions, 56, 6f, 68, 392, 394398, 408

    • coordination, 180181

    • creativity, 486490

    • decision-making, 135145, 299301

    • defined, 45, 291

    • delegation, 206208

    • diversity, improvement through, 55

    • ethics and, 3842, 376

    • functions, 56, 6f, 12t t, 6768

    • future structures, 17

    • goal-oriented, 7

    • human resources, 219228, 230231, 453

    • ideas, 493

    • influencing functions, 5, 6f, 6768, 267268

    • information and, 399401, 405, 408

    • information systems (IS), 403409

    • innovation, 445, 491495

    • job growth, 3

    • leadership, 291308

    • learning organization approach, 458459

    • lower-level, 10, 446

    • management science approach to, 446, 454455

    • mistakes, 6

    • motion-study techniques, 448449

    • motivational communication, 327328, 335

    • multinational corporations, 84

    • objectives, 114

    • operations management, 421436

    • organizational resources, 7

    • organizing functions, 5, 6f, 67

    • organizing skills, 177

    • paradigms, 458

    • planning functions, 5, 6f, 67

    • power, 396398

    • principles of, 450451

    • quality, 495501

    • responsibility, 199202, 202t, 203

    • role of, 34

    • sociometric analysis, 351

    • span of, 182

    • standards, 394395

    • strategic, 155

    • strategies for, 62

    • stress, 250252

    • structure, 189

    • styles, 332333, 334f

    • subordinate-centered leaders, 300

    • succession planning, 224

    • system approach to, 456

    • teams, 352357

    • top-down support, 70

    • triangular, 457458

    • trust in, 357358, 381

    • universal principles of, 9

    • upper-level, 10

    • women and, 17, 17t

    • work functions, 185

    • work groups, 350

  • Management by exception, 433

  • Management by objectives (MBO), 115, 434

  • Management careers, 1314

    • development of, 15, 16t

    • international, 15

    • stages of, 1415

  • Management control decisions, 400

  • Management games, role-playing format, 230

  • Management inventory card, 221222, 222f

  • Management manpower replacement chart, 222, 223f

  • Management responsibility guide, 201

    • relationships of, 201t

  • Management science, 446, 454

    • decision-making, 455

    • defined, 454

    • economics of, 455

    • history, 454455

    • mathematical models, 455

    • use of computers, 455

  • Management skills, 12f

  • Management systems, 456457

    • analysis, 457

    • information use, 457

    • open, 457f

  • Managers

    • bounded rationality, 139140

    • chain of command, 190

    • change agents, as, 244249

    • characteristics of, 9, 306f

    • clarifying job activities of, 201

    • commitment principle, 154

    • committees, 346347

    • compromising, 253

    • conflict, 254255

    • corporate citizens, as, 26

    • cross-cultural training, 10

    • decision-making, 135, 135f, 300301

    • development of, 178

    • diversity in, 54, 56, 71

    • effectiveness, 8, 8f, 9

    • efficiency, 8, 8f, 9

    • emotional intelligence, 269270

    • ethical, 38

    • ethnocentrism, 91

    • gain-sharing, 334

    • geocentric attitudes, 92

    • groupthink, 347

    • informal networks, 347

    • lump-sum bonuses, 334

    • managerial grid, 246f

    • operations, 421

    • organization culture and, 369, 373, 373f, 374381

    • philanthropy, 3334

    • polycentric attitudes, 91

    • power, 397398

    • resolving conflict, 255

    • responsible, 202

    • reverse mentoring, 57

    • "satifice," 139

    • social audits, 3233

    • socially responsible, 2627, 3132

    • stock bonuses, 334

    • strategic planning, 161

    • subconscious biases, 58

    • total power, 397

    • women, 1617, 59

  • Manufacturing jobs, 52

  • Manufacturing process, organizational resources, 8

  • Market culture, 372, 373f

  • Market position standards, 394

  • Markets, diverse, 54

  • Masculinity-femininity values, 93

  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 323, 327, 330

    • esteem need, 324

    • model, 324f, 330f

    • physiological needs, 324

    • security/safety need, 324

    • self-actualization need, 324

    • social need, 324

    • v. Alderfer’s ERG theory, 325

    • v. Argyris’s maturity-immaturity continuum, 326

  • Materials control, 432

  • Matrix organizations, 188189

  • MC²STEM High School (Cleveland), 52, 71

  • McClelland’s acquired needs theory, 323, 327

    • need for achievement (nAch), 326

    • need for affiliation (nAff), 326

    • need for power (nPower), 326

  • Means-ends relationships, 470

  • Mechanistic structure, 181

  • Mental models, challenging, 459

  • Michigan studies, 292

    • employee-centered behavior, 293

    • job-centered behavior, 293

  • Microloans, 475476

  • Millennial generation, 52, 57

  • Minorities

    • bicultural stress, 60

    • stereotypes, 59

    • workforce, 53, 56, 225

  • Mission statement, 160

  • Mobile devices, 153, 407, 410

  • Monetary resources, 7

  • Monitoring (innovation), 494

  • Monitoring skill, 166

  • Moral courage, 309

  • Motion-study techniques, 427, 448, 448f, 449t, 462

  • Motivation

  • Moving average method, 119

  • Multicultural approach to pluralism, 6566

  • Multi-generational workforce, 57

  • Multimeaning words, 274

  • Multinational corporations (MNC), 80, 83. See also International organizations

    • communication, 95

    • controlling, 94

    • cultural adjustments, 86

    • cultural differences, 9294

    • culturally diverse employees, 86

    • defined, 8283

    • direct investing, 88

    • ethics and, 9596

    • expatriate preparation, 97

    • host countries, 85

    • imports/exports, 87

    • influencing, 92

    • international market agreements, 8889

    • joint ventures, 88

    • license agreements, 87

    • local customs, 96

    • management implications, 84, 9293

    • manager attitudes, 9192

    • organization charts, 9091

    • organizing, 90

    • parent companies, 85

    • planning, 87

    • repatriation, 8687

    • risk and, 85

    • stages of, 83t

    • workforce, 8586, 97

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