Time for action - viewing reports

To view the gradebook reports in a course, you need to go to the Course administration.

  1. Make sure you are logged in as the admin or a teacher who has rights to the course.
  2. Using the Settings block, click on the Course administration.
  3. Under Course administration, click on the Grades link.
  4. This brings you, by default, to the Grader report. While viewing Outcomes as part of the overall Grader report is useful, it is quite a lot of information for one screen. You often end up with a significant scroll across all the activities that are in the course, as shown in the following image.
    Time for action - viewing reports
  5. In the drop-down list, you will have access to a number of reports. Be sure to check them all later. However, let's continue.
  6. Click on the drop-down list which has the Grader report and this will show you all the options that are available.
    Time for action - viewing reports
  7. Select the Outcomes report. Although there are four basic reports, we will look at the Outcomes report for now. This report provides you with a fast overview on the Outcomes that you had selected for the course.
    Time for action - viewing reports
  8. As you can see, this provides a simple, six column report on Outcomes. For each Outcome, you get a Course average which shows the average scores given to students for this Outcome in this course. Please note that this is not site-wide and only displays grades from within this course.
  9. You also get a list of the activities which use the Outcome in this course. To help you navigate to that activity, the name is a direct link to that page.
  10. Where earlier we got the Course average, you also get the activity Average in the fifth column. This is very useful to compare between the various activities, and between the activity and the Course average itself.
  11. The last column shows the Number of grades given to students for each of the activities, which have the Outcome enabled.

What just happened?

We just had a brief look at the Outcomes report in the gradebook. This report is a good summary of Outcome results across all activities and students. To get a more detailed view on a specific student, you would need to use one of the other reports called the User report. The following is an example of the User report:

What just happened?

This report is the same as the one the user can see in his/her Grades area of the Course administration and lists the Grade Item, the Grade, Percentage, and the feedback for the learner.

The gradebook area of Moodle does have a lot of options, different reports, and ways of customizing the output. At some point, you will need to become more accustomed with these features, but as with many aspects of Moodle, you can focus on those parts when you need them.

Have a go hero - customizing the grader report

In the drop-down of the grading area, you may have seen an option called My Preferences with Grader report under it. This allows you to customize how the Grader report looks.

Spend a bit of time trying each of the options and see how they work and influence the interface. Don't worry, it just specifies what the defaults are, so you can easily recover the original report options.

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