Time for action - installing Alfresco on your test site

To get us started, we'll install Alfresco on our test system to experiment with the integration. Alfresco runs on a different architecture than Moodle. Alfresco requires a Java application server instead of PHP. Fortunately, there are installers available on the Alfresco site that include everything we will need to develop a test system on your local computer.

To install Alfresco, run through the following steps:

  1. Open your browser and go to http://www.alfresco.com. Go to the Downloads tab and select the Download Now button for Alfresco Document Management in the Community Edition column.
  2. Select the installer for your operating system and download it to your computer.
  3. Double-click on the installer (it may take a moment to get started).
  4. Select your language for the installer.
  5. Choose the database option you want to use. Use the included database, unless you have a good reason not to.
  6. When prompted, enter a database password. Be sure to write it down somewhere.
  7. The next screen will prompt you for an Alfresco admin password. Definitely write this down.
  8. The final screen will prompt you to choose the packages you want to install. Choose the defaults and click on Next. For the examples below, you will need to make sure that you have the OpenOffice component installed.
    Time for action - installing Alfresco on your test site
  9. The installer will begin to run. This will probably take a while, so it may be time to go and get a cup of tea.
  10. Once the installer is complete, select Launch. This will take a while as well, so a second cup of tea might be in order.
  11. Once Alfresco has launched, you can configure the interface with Moodle.

What just happened

You now have a full-functioning open source enterprise content management system installed on your personal computer. Alfresco has a lot of power for manipulating and sharing documents, but we will only focus on a few features for now. There are a lot of books available to help you learn how to use the more advanced features in Alfresco (a few of them from this publisher as well).

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