Time for action - changing the site header

One of the most visible changes you can make to your theme is changing the header. The header appears across the top of every page and is one of the first things your users will see on your website. If you can, make your Moodle header reflect your corporate website's look and feel, it's a quick and easy way to make your Moodle solution seem more integrated into your corporate network.

Changing the header in one of the standard Moodle themes is relatively straightforward. Moodle themes are stored on the server in the Theme folder. To change the header, you will need access to the Moodle folder in your web server's root directory. Of course, if you are working on a copy of Moodle on your laptop, this is usually not an issue.

To change the site header:

  1. Go to the Moodle folder on your web server. If you are not working directly on your laptop, you will usually need to use FTP or SSH to log into the server.
  2. From the Moodle folder, select the Theme folder. Then select the folder with the name of the theme that you want to change.
  3. If your theme uses a background image for the header, you will find it in the pix folder. The name of the background image can change from theme to theme. For example, the binarius theme's background image is called header.gif, while the non-zero theme uses n1.gif.
    Time for action - changing the site header
  4. Beyond editing the background image, you can change the style of the header by editing the header section in the core.css file. All of the theme CSS files are found in the style folder in your theme.

It's as easy as that. Editing your header is one of the easiest and fastest ways to customize the look and feel of your Moodle website. Your corporation probably already has a header image for the existing corporate systems, so all you need to do is to add that to your Moodle theme.

What just happened

We have now changed the header for our Moodle website by changing the background image and header style.

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