Time for action - adding entries to the glossary

To start adding items into the glossary please ensure that you are in the glossary and not in the course page.

  1. Click on the button Add a new entry. This brings up the form which we need to fill out.
  2. The two required fields here are Concept and Definition, so select one of the terms related to the product and enter it in here.
  3. If the definition can apply to a number of words that are used as an alias for the Concept, you can add those extra aliases in the Keyword(s) section; otherwise leave this empty.
  4. If the definition benefits from a file attachment, such as an image, video, or even a document, you can attach it here under Attachment. However, for this example we will leave it empty.
  5. One of the very powerful aspects of using the glossary is where it can auto-link the phrase to the definition wherever it appears in the course content. However, for now leave that un-ticked. The other two options relate to the logic of how it is auto-linked.
  6. Click on Save changes.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 7 to add some more definitions if you wish.
    Time for action - adding entries to the glossary

What just happened?

We just went through the process of adding in one entry to the glossary. As you can see it is quite quick as long as you have your concepts and definitions to hand.

While having a simple glossary of terminology helps provide some important content and context to the resources in the course, you can use the glossary to test the participant's understanding of the material by asking them to take two terms and create their own definitions.

Creating flashcards

Once you have some content in the glossary you can have one of the entries display randomly as part of the course page using one of the standard blocks.

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