Chapter 7. Web Conferencing with Moodle

In other chapters, we have looked at communication tools in Moodle, namely forums and chat. Although the text chat does provide a level of synchronous communication, mostly Moodle alone delivers a strong asynchronous environment which allows time for thought and reflection in responses and interactions. These types of features enable building of communities of practice and knowledge sharing centers. However, sometimes having learners/participants involved in real-time, synchronous video, chat, and interaction is required.

In addition, as noted by Michelle in the case study at the end of the chapter from Remote-Learner, some people do learn better when given the opportunity to interact with the facilitators and other participants in this real-time environment. By providing the participants with the chance to ask questions with instant responses and enabling them to easily demonstrate the challenge or issue they are facing through screen sharing technology, you can swiftly help them through the problem they encounter. This provides a greater sense of engagement by connecting users with each other.

So what do you do if you want to extend Moodle with video? What features do you need? What features are available? Which products work with Moodle? What will it cost?

In this chapter, we shall learn:

  • Some of the main applications in use
  • The key integration options available
  • The key features which need to be considered
  • Technical challenges which you may encounter
  • How to configure and use Adobe Connect Pro with Moodle
  • How to configure and use BigBlueButton with Moodle

So let's get on with the show.

Some points to keep in mind

As there are many different applications in this area, we cannot handle them all in this chapter. So we focus on the 3 most popular integrations and deal with the following aspects for each:

  • Where to get the integration
  • The basics of installation
  • The configuration options
  • Key steps for usage

Most applications will be somewhat similar to those covered. Hence even if you do eventually choose a different web conferencing system, you can have expectations of how it could work.

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