Time for action - creating a question page

Now we are going to create a question page in our lesson. Question pages are scored and provide the user with feedback on their choices.

  1. From the edit page, click the Expanded View option at the top of the page. Then select the Add a question page here link below the content page you just created.
  2. From the Select a question type drop-down menu select the question type you want to use. For our example, we are going to select Multichoice.
  3. Next click on the Add a question page button.
  4. For Page title, enter a title for your question page. For our example, we will enter "Why is this a bad idea?".
  5. In the Page contents text area, enter the question you want to ask the learner. For our example, we will enter "Why is grabbing the fire extinguisher and heading for smoke a bad idea?".
  6. Below the Page contents text area you will see an Options field; check the box next to Multiple-answer if you are creating a question with more than one correct answer. Our example is going to be single response; therefore we will not select this box.
  7. Below the Add a question page section, you will see the Answer 1, Answer 2, and so on, sections where you will enter the possible list of answers the learner will have to choose from. In the Answer 1 section, enter one of the possible answers to the question in the Answer text area. For our example, we will enter "It's dangerous. You should leave it to the professionals".
  8. Next in the Response text area, enter the response you want the learner to receive if they select this choice. For our example, we will enter "Firefighters are trained to put out the fire and have the necessary protective gear".
  9. Then move to the Answer 2 section and put your second choice and response. For this example, we will have "You can't put out an office fire with a fire extinguisher" for the Answer and "You might be able to put out the fire, but without a respirator you might be overcome by smoke" for the Response.
  10. For the correct answer, enter a "1" in the Score field located at the bottom of the corresponding Answer section.
  11. Once you have entered all your answers, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Add a question page to save. Now you are back on the Lesson edit screen and will see the Content page and the Question page you just created. See the following screenshot.
    Time for action - creating a question page

What just happened?

We have now created a question page to test the learner's understanding of the lesson material. We now need to go back and begin to link our pages together with page jumps.

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