Time for action - creating the moderator role

To create a community moderator role, we will create a basic role at the site level, and then assign that role to a participant at the forum level within our "community of practice" course.

  1. From the main page on the site, select Site Administration from the Settings block. Then select Users | Permissions | Define Roles.
  2. On the Define Roles page, select the Add a new role button.
  3. Moodle will then display the Adding a new role page. Name your new role Community Moderator.
    Time for action - creating the moderator role
  4. The role Short name is used to assign the role through external data sources, so you'll want a short name without special characters or even spaces. I've given this role the name of CommMod.
  5. The Description should tell other admins the purpose of the role. In this example, the role is used to assign community moderators in a course.
  6. The Role Archetype defines the base permission set of the role. This makes it easier to create roles based on existing roles. For this example, we want to use the Student role as a base role, and just change the forum related permissions.
  7. The context defines where the role can be assigned within the system. For this role, we might want to assign it at the course level or at the individual forum level. So we'll select Course and Activity Module.
  8. Now we need to select the permissions for the moderator. As we only want them to have more permissions with forums and not other activities, we can use the Filter to shrink the list of possible permissions. In the Filter box, type Forum to see the list of capabilities related only to forums.
  9. For this example, we want the moderator to be able to delete, move, and export forum posts. So select Allow for Delete any posts (anytime), Export whole discussion, and Move discussions.
  10. We also want the moderator to start new discussions if necessary. Also, set the Split Discussions and Start new discussions to Allow.
  11. Select the Create this Role button at the bottom of the page. You'll see Community Moderator has been added to the bottom of the list of roles on the site.

What just happened?

We have created a new role to use throughout Moodle. Moodle roles are always created at the system level, but they can be assigned at the system, course, and activity contexts. Someone with the Community Moderator role in a specific forum does not necessarily have those capabilities at the course level or in another forum. But the role is available for assignment throughout the site.

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