Time for action - editing flat file enrollment plugin settings

You've enabled the flat file enrollment plugin and created your enrollment flat file. Now it's time to edit the plugin settings and enroll the new hires in the safety training course.

  1. Go back to the settings page for the flat file plugin. In Site administration menu, select Plugins, select Enrollments, select Manage enrol plugins, and click on Settings to the right of Flat file (CSV).
  2. The first setting is for File location. This is where you enter the full path to the enrollment.csv file on your server. I am running Moodle on my local machine so I will enter /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/enrollments.csv for this setting.
  3. The next three settings allow you to notify students, teachers, or administrators by e-mail when they have been enrolled in a course. We are going to check the box to the right of Notify students by email so that the new hires know when they have been enrolled and can begin the training course.
  4. The last section is Flat file mapping. This is where you map the role names if you want to change them. As mentioned previously, we are going to leave all the default settings.
  5. Finally click on Save Changes at the bottom of the page. The figure below shows the Flat file settings we entered previously.
    Time for action - editing flat file enrollment plugin settings
  6. Finally, you need to make sure that cron is configured properly so that when Moodle's cron script runs, it will look for and run any new enrollment files in the location specified. Cron configuration is beyond the scope of this book, but your IT department will be able to set this up for you.
  7. Once you have set up the enrollment, it is always a good idea to run cron manually and look at the output. This will tell you if it has successfully run the enrollment file. To run cron manually, simply go to your Moodle home page and in the URL, add admin/cron.php to the end of the URL, and hit enter. Have a look at the output screen. For our example, you should see text as shown in the following screenshot if it has run properly.
    Time for action - editing flat file enrollment plugin settings

What just happened

We have now uploaded and tested an enrollment file to give students access to courses. If you automate the process by taking a regular CSV extract from your HR system, you can save a lot of manual work.

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