Time for action - testing your new rule

Now that you have created a rule, we should test it to make sure it is working.

  1. Open the Word to PDF space in the Alfresco Explorer.
  2. Click on the Add Content button in the upper-right area of the explorer.
  3. Browse and find a Word file you want to convert.
  4. Click on OK.
  5. You can leave all of the options on the Modify Content Properties page at their defaults and click on OK.
  6. Your Word file should now be added to the Word to PDF space. If you look in the PDF space, you should see the PDF version of the Word file.

What just happened

You have just tested your new rule for converting Word files to PDF. Moving forward, you should be able to simply add Word files to the folder and then link to the PDF version within Moodle.

Have a go hero

There are a number of conversion services available in Alfresco. You can convert a number of different Office files to a variety of formats, including PDF and HTML. You can also convert images loaded on to the system into a standard web friendly format. Try to create a new rule in Alfresco to convert images to PNG files of standard size.

Using Google Docs as a repository for Moodle

A growing number of organizations are using Google Docs as their primary office suite. Moodle allows you to add Google Docs as a repository so your course authors can link to word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation and form documents on Google Docs.

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