Time for action - creating the outline of the product knowledge sheet

Before we start configuring a database we need to know what we are doing with it, what the plan is. A product knowledge sheet can have quite a lot of different types of information depending on the product and the target audience of the sheet.

Some of the possible information that you could find include Description, Product properties and features, Product capabilities, Product applications, Product advantages, Typical users, Opening questions, Closing statements, and Competition products.

So before we build this form for participants we need to decide which fields we want them to be filling in. For the purpose of this example, we will just use four fields:

  1. Choose what product information fields that you will want to test the participants on (we will use description, capabilities, applications, and advantages).
  2. Decide what order you want them in, and what level of detail you expect the participants to provide.

What just happened?

As with all of the more complicated activities in Moodle, preparation is paramount to not lose yourself in settings and options, and end up having to start from scratch.

Having prepared manually what you are going to apply to the database, now you are ready to move forward.

Building a structure

The database activity is one which has so many use cases that it sometimes can be overwhelming to start off using it. However, as we have a very clear purpose in what we want to achieve don't be put off by the number of options and just stay focused on what we need to achieve.

The process of creating a database is as follows:

  1. Create the structure with the settings.
  2. Add fields to the database.
  3. You may at this point edit the templates from the default ones but this is totally optional. You will probably come back later and edit them to add in context.
  4. Add in sample entries.

So let's get on with the first step, creating and configuring the database activity itself.

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