Time for action - adding a field to the database

We have already selected the four fields that we are going to ask the participants to complete, so now we need to decide what format they will be; for the four fields chosen they will all be text areas. The four fields we will use are going to add Product Description, Product Capabilities, Product Applications, and Product Advantages. However, as it is clear this relates to the product, we drop the word Product from the field names.

It is very important to know the order you want them created in, or it will require some complicated HTML and template editing later to alter the presentation of the information.

  1. From the Fields tab, click on the Choose drop down and select Textarea.
  2. Put the first field name (Description) into the Field name field.
  3. Put the same information into the Field description field. Although with complicated names these two fields can be different, I like to keep them the same to remove confusion later on when editing.
  4. Leave the default Width at 60 columns.
  5. Change the Height to 10 rows as the default 35 is quite a lot.
  6. Click on Add.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each of the fields you want to add (use a different type if you want to).
  8. Once you have added all your fields, you are now ready to proceed.
    Time for action - adding a field to the database
  9. Click on Templates and have a look at the different layouts, especially the List template and the Single template. You will probably want to alter these later.

What just happened?

By adding in some fields into the database we have now prepared the activity for participants to start submitting their abstracted product knowledge.

Adding entries

It is always good to add a few entries to check that it is working the way that you intend before you release it to participants.

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