Time for action - creating page jumps

You have now added a content page and a question page, but you're not done yet. Now we need to link the question page to the content page using a page jump. The page jump is simply the link between pages. We need to go back to the Jump field we skipped previously:

  1. Go back to the content page you created by selecting the edit icon to the right of the Building is on fire page. The edit icon looks like a hand holding a pencil.
  2. Scroll down to Content 1 and from the Jump drop-down menu, select the question page you created. For our example, it was Why is this a bad idea?.
  3. Set the jump for Content 2 to the End of the Lesson. If the user selects this option, they will end the lesson.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Save page button. You will now be back at the edit lesson page and the Jump 1: field will now read Why is this a bad idea?.

What just happened?

We have now linked our pages together using page jumps. In a lesson module, page jumps are used for both navigation and to provide feedback pages for questions. Now we need to go through and test our lesson to make sure everything works.

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