Time for action - adding questions to the quiz

We've set up the shell for our Competency Test and applied the conditional access. Now let's create the questions that will be covered in the exam. Moodle 2.0 has 11 different question types. For now we will focus on the two question types you are most likely to use to set up a Competency Test: Multiple Choice and Essay.

  1. From the page you ended at in the previous screenshot, select Add a question.... The Choose a question type to add window will then pop up. Choose Multiple choice from the menu of question types and select Next.
  2. Accept the default setting for Category. Later in the next section you will learn how to create a new category.
  3. Enter the title of the question in the Question name field. We will call this Question No. 1 in our example.
  4. Enter the question in the Question text field.
  5. In the Default question grade field enter the score for each question. We will leave it as the default and the question will be worth one point.
  6. The next field is Penalty factor. We are not using adaptive mode or penalty factors in this section; therefore just leave that value alone.
  7. In the One or multiple answers? field towards the bottom of the General section, you can set the question type to be a One answer only multiple choice question or to a Multiple answers allowed multiple choice question.
  8. The last step is to enter the choices for the multiple choice question next to the Answer field for each Choice. For the correct answer, under the Grade drop-down menu, select 100%. If you have a multiple answers question, then you would select a grade depending on the number of correct answers. For example, if the test taker was suppose to select two correct answers, then you would place a 50% in the grade for those choices.
  9. Click on Save changes at the bottom of the page.
  10. After you save the changes you will be brought back to the screen seen in the previous screenshot, except that it is not empty, but now has a Multiple Choice question in the quiz. See the following screenshot:
    Time for action - adding questions to the quiz
  11. Now let's add an Essay question to our quiz. Essay questions can be handy for learning more about an applicant; however they do need to be manually graded after the user takes the exam. Again select Add a question.... This time from the pop-up window, select Essay and then click Next at the bottom of the window.
  12. You should now be at the Adding an Essay question window. Similar to creating a multiple choice question, under the General section, select the Category you wish to store the question in, enter the Question name, Question text, and Default question grade. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Save changes. As mentioned previously, essay questions will need to be manually graded so there is no section to enter the correct answers.
  13. After you save the changes you will see a screen, similar to the next screenshot, with two questions created in your quiz:
    Time for action - adding questions to the quiz

What just happened?

We just created a new question and added it to our competency test. We could create all of the questions for the quiz this way. But it would be difficult to keep everything organized. In the next section, we'll explore how to create question categories.

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