Chapter 4. Moodle for Managing Compliance Training

Companies must find a way to successfully manage many kinds of risks including legal compliance, health and safety, security risks, and privacy risks. Training can be an important part of a risk management program or process. Depending on the industry there could be several external regulations as well as internal company mandates. Human resource managers must develop programs to ensure legal compliance and the mitigation of risk. In this chapter we will build on what you have already learned and introduce you to several more Moodle tools that can be used for risk management and compliance training.

Throughout this chapter think about how Moodle can help manage risks and ensure regulatory compliance through training.

In this chapter we shall:

  • Learn how to use the Moodle lesson module to deliver compliance training
  • Learn how to create hide and show activities based on group membership in Moodle
  • Learn how to track student completion in your Moodle course
  • Learn how course completion reports can be used to facilitate compliance training

So let's get started...


Using Moodle to manage compliance training

Compliance training is a very important part of an organization's risk management strategy. Moodle has a number of tools that you can use to deliver and manage required training for your employees. In this chapter we will explore the lesson module as well as some useful user management tools to ensure your employees receive the training they need.

Using the lesson module as a training tool

Every human resources manager must understand and comply with a multitude of regulations and establish policies and procedures to ensure their company is in compliance. Additionally, there are several internal risks to consider including work-life discrimination, protection of confidential information, workplace privacy risks, and so on. Many companies develop training programs as a way to mitigate and avoid certain risks by making employees aware of the company policies and procedures. Moodle's lesson module is a useful tool for this type of training. Using Moodle's inbuilt lesson module is also a time and cost-effective alternative to relying on third-party authoring tools that publish Scorm.

The lesson module uses two different page types, which can be implemented in several different ways to create an interactive learning experience for the user. First, the question page asks the user a question and then provides the user with feedback based on their response. The question pages are graded and contribute to a user's grade. The second page type, the content page, presents content and navigation options without grading the user's response.

Creating a lesson module

Let's take a business case study example. You are developing a lesson module on basic office safety. To train employees on basic fire safety, you decide to use a common active training method—the case study. Before we dive into the lesson module, let's take a moment to decide how we're going to implement this. First, we are going to use a content page to present a realistic building fire scenario and have the learner choose their first action. Second, we will create a question page to present the learner with a scored choice regarding fire safety. Third, we need to then come up with feedback based on their responses.

In reality, the fire safety plan would probably be part of a larger emergency action plan. However, for the purposes of this chapter we are going to keep things simple and address a scenario that may be used when training employees on fire safety.

Lesson modules can get quite complicated if you let them, depending on how many choices the reader has for a given scenario and how long the chain of reasoning is. Many experts suggest developing a flowchart to plan out your lesson module before creating it in Moodle. For our purposes, we will just take it through the first choice to show you how to use the content page and then a question page. Once you have that down, it will be easy to keep repeating the process to make your lesson module as simple or complicated as you'd like.

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