Time for action - screening the resumes/CVs

Imagine you are the HR manager for a company. You have advertised the job opening, set up your Moodle course for the open position, and created an Assignment where applicants can submit their resume/CV. Today you just received an e-mail notifying you that someone has submitted his or her resume by uploading it to the assignment you created previously. Now you need to conduct the initial screening to see how good a match the candidate is for the open position.

  1. Go to the course created for the position and select the assignment you created for applicants to submit their resumes. You will be brought to the assignment page. In the top right-hand corner you will see a link, View # submitted assignments. Select the link. You will then be brought to the window shown in the following screenshot:
    Time for action - screening the resumes/CVs
  2. You will then see a table of the applicants who have submitted a resume/CV or application form. You can review their submission by selecting the Grade link. Read the applicant's submission and rate their resume. Click Save when you have given them their score.
  3. You will then be brought to the Feedback page which will be titled Feedback: Name of Applicant. This page will show the name of the applicant, the date they submitted their resume, and the first section will contain their submitted file.
  4. The next section on the page is entitled Grades. In the Grades section, select the score for the resume. The last section is the Feedback section. Here you will be able to give feedback to the applicant. For our example, if an applicant receives a grade of greater than 85/100 you may want to give them instructions on how to proceed to the next step whether it is an aptitude test, cognitive ability test, personality test, or scheduling an interview.
  5. Once you have entered a grade and any feedback don't forget to select Save changes at the bottom of the screen. An e-mail will then be sent out to the applicant with a link back to the course so that they can get their grade and feedback.
  6. You will then be brought back to the table shown in the previous screenshot. More of the table is now completed with the grade you assigned the applicant shown and the feedback you gave the applicant displayed in the second and third columns labeled Grade and Comments respectively. Notice that in the Status column there is no longer the highlighted Grade, but it has now changed to Update in case you later want to make changes to the grade or feedback provided to the applicant.

What just happened?

You now know how to score an assignment activity and use that score to conduct the initial screening process. Applicants who receive a score of greater than 85% will now move on to the next stage in the hiring process.

Have a go hero - evaluating cover letters

Create an Advanced Uploading of Files assignment and allow the applicants to upload multiple files. Log in as your test user and upload both a cover letter and a resume. Evaluate both as the HR manager and give the applicant a score.

Time for reflection

Reflect on the hiring process at your company. What modifications would you make to what has been discussed in this chapter so far to suit your company's hiring process?

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