Time for action - creating the database

Before we start, return to the course view page and make sure editing is turned on. It is a good habit to turn editing off whenever you are not editing the course as this can help reduce mishaps of deletions, or moving items around.

  1. We want to create a product knowledge test form in Topic 4. Scroll down to Topic 4.
  2. Click on Add an activity and select Database from the drop down.
  3. Enter Product Knowledge Assessment into the Name field.
  4. As with other assignments it is important to use the Introduction field to explain the purpose of the activity and to clarify what exactly is required from the participants. Please fill out the Introduction along those lines:
    Time for action - creating the database
  5. The four date options can be ignored for now. They are required in different use cases.
  6. The Required entries should only be enabled if you are using course tracking for completion. If not, like now, just leave it at None.
  7. Set the Entries required before viewing to 1. This requires the participant to submit one entry before he can view the submission of anyone else.
  8. For this activity, ignore the Maximum entries setting.
  9. Set the Comments option to Yes, as this will allow students to comment on each other's submissions once they are approved.
  10. Likewise, set Require approval to Yes so that the trainer has to approve entries before they are open to comments.
  11. The rest of the settings can be ignored too for this set up.
  12. Click Save and display to enter the database configuration page.
    Time for action - creating the database

What just happened?

The database by itself is not usable yet, but it has been configured to the point that we can now start adding fields. It is very important that you go from the settings page and then directly into creating fields, or you may end up lost.

Adding fields

There are a number of different field types available to you, to add to the, as of yet, empty database structure. The options are:

  • Checkbox
  • Date
  • File
  • Latitude/longitude
  • Menu
  • Menu (multi-select)
  • Number
  • Picture
  • Radio buttons
  • Text
  • Textarea
  • URL

We will not be using most of these now, but later when you are feeling brave you can play around and see how they are used, or check out the Moodle Docs explanations on http://docs.moodle.org/en/mod/data/field/.

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