Time for action - editing the privileges in a forum

  1. Go back to the CoP class and turn on editing mode.
  2. Select Forum from the Add an Activity menu.
  3. Give the forum a name. I've used Everyone Moderates Forum.
  4. Set the Description of the forum as you've done before.
  5. For now, leave everything else as default and click Save and display.
  6. From the Forum page, select Permissions under Forum administration in the Settings block.
    Time for action - editing the privileges in a forum
  7. The Permissions in Forum page lists all of the roles and their permissions in the forum. The permission is listed on the left. The icon in the next column indicates the security implications of changing the permission. The third column lists the roles which have that permission. If you've followed the steps to create a role, you'll see the Community Moderator role with the editing permissions we created. The fourth column lists the roles that have prohibited that permission.
  8. Now we need to give the Student role permission to edit the posts. In the Roles column for the Edit Any Post capability, click on the + in the third column under the roles with that capability.
    Time for action - editing the privileges in a forum
  9. You'll then see the "Allow role" page. Select the Student role from the Allow Role drop-down menu.
  10. Click the Allow button.
  11. Now we need to repeat the process to allow the student role to Delete Any Posts, Move discussions, Split discussions, and Export posts. For each capability, click the + symbol in the role column, and select the Student role from the drop-down list and click Allow.

What just happened?

You have now edited what users with a role can do in a particular forum. By changing the permissions on an activity, you can greatly change how users interact with the particular module instance. Remember the changes you made here do not affect what the user can do in any other forum.

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