Time for action - Enabling RSS

RSS feeds need to be enabled at the site level before you can use them in an activity. So let's do that first.

  1. Log in to your site as the site administrator.
  2. From the front page, find the Site Administration area. To search for all RSS related settings, type RSS into the search box.
    Time for action - Enabling RSS
  3. To allow any activity to use RSS, we need to enable it at the site level first. Select the checkbox next to Enable RSS feeds in the Advanced features box. You will then need to scroll down to the bottom of the screen and Save changes before you can enable feeds in specific activities.
  4. After you select Save changes, the drop-down menus for the Enable RSS feeds for Database, Forum, and Glossary should change from Disabled at server level to a No/Yes selection. For now, let's enable RSS feeds for Database and Forum activities by setting Enable RSS feeds to Yes.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Save changes once again.
  6. Each forum and database activity on the site can now generate an RSS feed. However, we need to enable each specific activity to generate a feed.

What just happened

We just enabled RSS feeds across our Moodle site for both Databases and Forums. We now need to go into the individual forums and databases to enable those activities to publish feeds.

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