Time for action - enabling Mahara portfolio plugin

Now that you've enabled the basic Moodle networking to enable SSO, we need to enable the Mahara portfolio plugin. Like the repository system, the portfolio system is designed as a plugin architecture. Each system capable of being a portfolio system will have its own plugin. You need to enable it to make it available for users.


The Mahara plugin is a little different than many of the portfolio plugins. You cannot activate it until you've finished the preceding networking configuration.

  1. Login to Moodle as an administrator.
  2. From the Site administration menu, select Advanced features. Then select the Enable Portfolios checkbox.
  3. Then select Plugins and Authentication from the Site administration menu. Select the Manage Authentication page.
  4. Click on the Enable button next to the the MNet Authentication plugin.
  5. From the Site administration menu, select Plugins and then select Portfolios.
  6. Select Manage Portfolios.
  7. In the Manage portfolios page, set the Mahara plugin to Enabled and Visible.
  8. You'll then be taken to the Configure portfolio plugin page.
    Time for action - enabling Mahara portfolio plugin
  9. Begin the configuration by giving the instance of the portfolio a name. The name will be used to identify the portfolio system to users.
  10. In the MNet Host option, choose the Mahara networking peer you created in the previous step.
  11. If you have Mahara 1.3, you can enable Leap2a Portfolio support. Leap2a is a portfolio interoperation protocol which allows systems to easily share portfolio data. If you are using Mahara 1.3, you should enable this protocol.
  12. Click on Save.

What just happened

You have now enabled the Mahara portfolio plugin on your Moodle site. Between the Networking configuration and the plugin, you should now have your Moodle site fully configured. Next, we need to configure Mahara to listen to Moodle.

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