Chapter 2. Moodle in Hiring and Interviewing

In the previous chapter we introduced a framework for thinking about how to implement Moodle in your organization. We also created a Moodle site, a course, and a forum in Moodle. In this chapter, we will build on these skills and teach you some new ones, while investigating ways to use Moodle to support the hiring process.

One of the key strategies necessary for a successful business is recruiting and retaining good employees. Moodle can be used as an effective tool in implementing these processes. This chapter will teach you how to use Moodle to facilitate the hiring processes. We will look at how to receive resumes and applications from candidates and evaluate them. We will also learn how to administer competency tests, schedule interviews, and collect reactions from multiple interviewers during the selection process.

In this chapter we shall:

  • Learn how to set up a Moodle site to facilitate the hiring and interviewing process
  • Learn how to create a Moodle assignment where candidates can upload their resumes or job applications
  • Learn how to enable applicants to create new accounts
  • Learn how to rate candidate's applications by using the grade assignments as an initial screening process
  • Learn how to create and administer competency tests using the Moodle quiz module
  • Learn how to coordinate an interview schedule using the choice module.
  • Learn how to create interviewer resources and forums to assist interviewers and decision makers

So let's get started...


Recruiting and retaining good employees is critical to the success of a business. This chapter will focus on managing the recruiting process using tools in Moodle.

Creating an assignment for submitting resumes/CVs

Before we get into specifics it is necessary to agree on a framework for how we will set up our Moodle site for recruiting new employees. For simplicity, we recommend setting up separate Moodle sites for internal and external processes. There are ways to enable both on the same site, but it adds a level of complexity. Additionally, there are some add-ons for Moodle to help you manage multiple sites. We will explain these in Chapter 8, Integrating Moodle with Other Systems. For the purposes of this chapter, we will assume that we are using a Moodle site just for the hiring process.

In the previous chapter, you learned how to create a course. On our Moodle site, there will be a course for each position available. Creating a course for each position will simplify the course creation process and make the interface simpler for the applicant.

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