Time for action - creating a content page

Now that we have the shell of the lesson, we can begin to add content. We'll start with adding a simple content page.

  1. From the editing page for the lesson you just created, select Add a content page.
  2. Enter a descriptive title in the box next to Page title. For our example, we will enter Building is on fire.
  3. Enter the content for this page in the Page contents text area.
  4. If you want the user's choices for the lesson page to be displayed horizontally, then check the box to the left of Arrange content buttons horizontally? You have now filled in the Add a content page section; see the following screenshot for our example:
    Time for action - creating a content page
  5. In the Add a content page section you will find sections for Content 1, Content 2, and so on. This is where we will create the choices for the user. For our example, we will enter "Grab the fire extinguisher and look for smoke" in the Description text area for Content 1. Leave the drop-down menu below the text area on the default Moodle auto-format. For now leave the Jump drop-down menu as is; we will come back to this later.
  6. In the Content 2 section, enter your second choice in the Description text area. For our example, we will enter "Walk calmly to the exit and exit the building."
  7. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Add a question page. This will save the content page you just created. You will now be on the editing page for the lesson you are creating and you should be able to see the content you just added. See the following screenshot for our example:
    Time for action - creating a content page

What just happened?

We have now added a content page to our lesson. Content pages can include a wide variety of media, including text, audio, video, and Flash. Next we will look at how to add a scored Question page to test the learner's understanding.

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