Time for action - configuring completion tracking in your course

The second step is to configure completion tracking in your course.

  1. Go to your course logged in as a teacher or administrator.
  2. In the Settings block, under Course Administration, select Edit settings. You will now be on the Edit course settings page. Scroll down to the bottom and you will now see a new section called Student progress.
  3. For the Completion tracking setting, select Enabled, control via completion and activity settings from the drop-down menu.
  4. The next setting is Completion tracking begins on enrolment. If you enabled this at the site level, then it should already be selected here. If you uncheck it, you can override the site default and not have it enabled for this course.
  5. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page.
  6. Now if you go back to the course home page, under Course administration, you will have a new option called Completion tracking. Select Completion tracking. You will now be on the Edit Course Completion Settings page.
  7. The first section is Overall criteria type aggregation. This sets up how the completion for the course is calculated. There are two options: All or Any. If you set it to All, then all of the completion settings you set on this page must be completed before the course is complete. If you set it to Any, then the course is complete if any of the criteria for the completion settings are met.
  8. The next section is Course prerequisites. If you have other courses with completion criteria set, then you can set them as prerequisites for this course. For example, if we set up our previous safety training example into three separate courses: Basic Safety, Intermediate Safety, and Advanced Safety, then we could make Basic Safety a prerequisite for Intermediate Safety and so on.
  9. Manual self completion is the next setting. If this is Enabled, then students can mark the course as complete on their own. This is the equivalent of an employee checking a form that says, "I have read this". An example where you may want to use this feature is if you have a course for your Employee Handbook. Once an employee has read the handbook, they can then mark the course complete to indicate that they have read it.
  10. The Manual completion by section allows you to set the roles that can manually mark the course as complete. The Aggregation method setting allows you to set whether All the roles selected have to mark it complete or if Any one of the roles can mark it complete. Imagine a course being taught by multiple teachers, for example a training course taught by multiple departments. If you select All here and check the box next to the Teacher role, then every teacher from every department would need to mark the course complete for every participant.
  11. The Activities completed setting is where you can mark which activities need to be completed before a course can be completed. This section will only display activities that have activity completion set. We will cover this in the next section.
  12. The Date setting, if Enable is checked, means the course is marked complete after the date specified.
  13. The Duration after enrolment setting, if Enable is checked, means the course is marked complete after being enrolled in the course for the specified number of days.
  14. The Grade setting, if Enable is checked, allows you to set a minimum passing grade for the course to be complete.
  15. The Unenrolment setting, if checked, says the course is marked complete when a user is unenrolled. The following screenshot shows the Edit Course Completion Settings page that was discussed in steps 6 through 14.
    Time for action - configuring completion tracking in your course


If you enable Manual self completion in the course, you will need to make sure you add the Self Completion block to the course. To do this go to the block in the right column titled Add a block and select Self Completion from the Add… drop-down menu. When the students log on, they will see the Self Completion block in the right column and will have a link that says Complete Course… When they click on this link they will receive a confirmation page that reads Confirm self completion. To confirm, they will click on the Yes button.

What just happened?

We have enabled completion tracking at the course level. Users can now see whether they have completed a course or not.

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