Downloading VirtualBox

The first step is to download the VirtualBox installation file. The latest version at the time of writing this section is 4.3.12; you can download the Linux version of it from If you're using Windows, you can download it from

Once installed, you need to download the image of Ubuntu; for this tutorial we will use a copy of Ubuntu 15.10 from OSBOXES found at; then we will simply install ROS Kinetic following the same instructions described in the previous section. In particular, the Ubuntu 15.10 image can be downloaded from

This would download a .7z file. In Linux, it can be uncompressed with the following:

$ 7z x Ubuntu_15.10-64bit.7z

If the .7z command is not installed, it can be installed with the following:

$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

The virtual machine file will go into the 64-bit folder with the name: Ubuntu 15.10 Wily (64bit).vdi

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