Creating the virtual machine

Creating a new virtual machine with the downloaded file is very easy; just proceed with the following steps. Open VirtualBox and click on New. We are going to create a new virtual machine that will use the Ubuntu 15.10 Wily (64bit).vdi file downloaded before, which is a hard disk image with Ubuntu 15.10 already installed.

Set the name, type, and version of the virtual machine as shown in the following screenshot:

You can configure the parameters of the new virtual machine in the windows that follow. Keep the default configuration and change only the name for the virtual system. This name is how you distinguish this virtual machine from others. For the RAM, we advise that you use as much as possible, but 8 GB should be enough.

For the hard drive, use the existing virtual hard drive file Ubuntu 15.10 Wily (64bit).vdi downloaded before, as shown in the following screenshot:

After this, you can start your virtual machine by clicking on the Start button. Remember to select the right machine before you start it. In our case, we only have one, but you could have more:

Once the virtual machine starts, you should see another window, as seen in the following screenshot. It is the Ubuntu 15.10 OS with ROS installed (use as the password to log in):

When you finish these steps, install ROS Kinetic as you would on a regular computer following the steps of the previous sections, and you will have a full copy of ROS Kinetic that can be used with this section.

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