Displaying the global plan, local plan, and planner plan

The global plan from the global planner is shown as green in the next screenshot. The local plan is shown as red and the planner plan as black. The local plan is each section of the global plan and the planner plan is the complete plan to the goal. The global plan and the planner plan can be changed if there are any obstacles. The plans can be displayed using the Path display type in RViz.

  • Global plan topic: /move_base/DWAPlannerROS/global_plan
  • Global plan topic type: nav_msgs/Path
  • Local plan topic: /move_base/DWAPlannerROS/local_plan
  • Local plan topic type: nav_msgs/Path
  • Planner plan topic: /move_base/NavfnROS/plan
  • Planner plan topic type: nav_msgs/Path
Figure 19: Visualizing global, local, and planner plan in RViz
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