Time for action - adding a content rule to a space

Once you've created your space, you need to add a place to put your converted content and a content rule to tell Alfresco how to convert your content.

  1. From within Alfresco Explorer, click on your newly created space.
  2. Select Create Space from the Create menu. We are now going to create a space to hold the transformed files.
  3. Name your new Space PDFs, add a description, and choose an icon.
  4. Select Create Space.
  5. You will now see the Word to PDF space with the new PDFs Space.
  6. From the More Actions menu, choose Manage Content Rules.
  7. Select the Create Rule button at the top of the screen.
    Time for action - adding a content rule to a space
  8. On the next page, you will set the conditions that will trigger the rule. For this rule, set the Select Condition to Content of mimetype. This will trigger the rule if content of a certain type is added to the space.
  9. Next, select the Set Values and click on the Add button to set the file type. On the Set Values page, select Microsoft Word from the Set Condition Values list.
  10. Click on Ok to save the conditions. You will then see the condition added to the rule. You can add multiple conditions to help better filter your search.
  11. Click on Next to go to the Actions page.
  12. From the Select Action menu, select Transform and copy content.
  13. Select the Set Values and Add to set the target file type.
  14. In the Set action values form, select Adobe PDF as the required format.
  15. Set the transformed files destination by selecting the Click here to select the destination link.
  16. Navigate to the PDFs space you just created. Click the green + to the right of the PDF folder to add it to the rule. Click on Ok on the Set action values page. Then click on Next.
    Time for action - adding a content rule to a space
  17. The final step is to enter details. For the Type select Items are created or enter this folder. This triggers the rule when a file of the right mimetype is added to the folder.
  18. Give your rule a title such as Word to PDF.
  19. There are three options in the Other Options section below. For this example, we will leave all the checkboxes blank, but it's useful to know what they mean.
  20. The Apply rule to sub spaces will apply the rule to subfolders in the Word to PDF folder. So if you create a new folder, the same rule will convert any new Word files to PDF.
  21. The Run rule in background option will run the rule as a background process and create the PDF file when it is ready. Running in the background can speed up the user interface, but may cause confusion as the PDF will not be immediately available.
  22. The final option, Disable Rule, will allow you to turn off the rule if you need to disable it, without deleting the rule.
  23. Click on Next.
  24. The final screen shows you the rule summary. Review the summary to make sure everything looks right and click on Finish.

What just happened?

You have now created a rule in Alfresco that will automatically convert Word files into PDF. When a new Word file is added to the space, Alfresco will automatically make a copy and convert it to PDF. Test your new rule.

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