Time for action - adding content from Alfresco to Moodle

Now that you've added some content into Alfresco, it's time to add that content to your Moodle course.

  1. Login to Moodle as a user with course editing privileges.
  2. Turn on Editing Mode and select File from the Add a resource.. menu in the course section where you want the link to appear.
  3. Give the file a name. Remember the name will be the link the user selects to get the file, so be descriptive.
  4. Add a description of the file.
  5. In the Content section, click the Add.. button to bring up the file browser.
  6. Select the Alfresco repository you previously created.
  7. Login to Alfresco using your Alfresco username and password.
  8. Browse through the available Alfresco spaces to find your user folder and the file you want to add.
  9. Select the file by clicking on the link.
  10. On the next screen, you can rename the file to save it locally, edit the author name, and select a copyright license for the file.
  11. Click on Select this File.
  12. The options for the file are the same as we reviewed in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Moodle. You can choose a display option, whether the file appears in a pop-up window, and who can view the file and when.


    A note about the Alfresco plugin

    When you link to a file in Alfresco, Moodle makes a copy of the file and stores it locally. This increases system reliability as Moodle does not require the Alfresco server to be available to run. However, once the document has been copied to Moodle, it isn't updated if the copy on Alfresco is edited.

What just happened

You have now copied your file from Alfresco to Moodle for use in your course. You can now download or view the file as you would do normally.

Now we are going to explore one of the features of Alfresco—content conversion services. Alfresco has a number of powerful features that are beyond the scope of this book, but we thought we'd give you some basics to help you explore some of the features of Alfresco. For web publishing in Moodle, you can use Alfresco to automatically convert content to web friendly formats in a regular format.

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