Chapter 20. Practice Exam 611

Question 1Betty would like a set of “Contact Us”–type icons to appear in various events: a picture of a quill pen, a picture of a quill pen with a bright background that appears during a mouse-over, and a dim picture of a quill pen that appears after a mouse-click. What is the best way to create these images?
  • A. Name each image and store them in Image Resources.

  • B. Save each image as an .ANI file so that the pictures will change depending on the mouse events.

  • C. Define an image resource set in the Basics tab of the Image Resource.

  • D. Use hide/when formulas to switch between images according to mouse events.

Question 2Susan has a multi-database application and has stored the paths of various databases in a profile document called DatabaseProfile, which is included in each database. Using an @Function/@Command, how would Susan retrieve data from the profile document?
  • A. @GetProfileField(“DatabaseProfile”)

  • B. @Command([EditProfile])

  • C. @GetProfileDocument(“DatabaseProfile”)

  • D. @GetProfileField(“DatabaseProfile”;”FieldName”)

Question 3Eddy created an action agent that called certain documents by their NoteIDs and processed them; he placed the agent in the AcctsPayable database. A month later, Eddy replicated the AcctsPayable database to other servers. However, users on these replica databases reported that the action agent was not working, whereas users on the original AcctsPayable database reported no problems at all. Eddy checked the agent log of each database and the agents did run but no documents were processed. What happened?
  • A. The servers where the replica databases reside do not have Reader access in the database ACL, and were not able to replicate the documents used in the action agent.

  • B. The correct access to the documents was not replicated to the other databases along with the agent.

  • C. The documents' NoteIDs were not replicated to the replica databases.

  • D. The action agent was not replicated to the replica databases.

Question 4Roland has a form with an embedded view. He wants users to be able to delete documents found in the embedded view. How would he do this?
  • A. Documents in an embedded view cannot be deleted.

  • B. Roland can add an action button to the form to delete the document.

  • C. Roland can add an action to the embedded view that deletes documents and enable Show Action Bar in the embedded view.

  • D. Roland can enable Show Embedded View Action Bar in the form.

Question 5Which formula deletes selected documents in an embedded view on the Notes client?
  • A. @DocumentDelete

  • B. @Command([EditClear])

  • C. @ViewClear

  • D. None of the above

Question 6Chris has a multiple value picklist and wants to display it on the Web. Which keyword selections would be his best choices for the Web?
  • A. Listbox, radio button, and dialog list.

  • B. Checkbox, dialog list, and radio button.

  • C. Listbox, combobox, and radio button.

  • D. Checkbox, combo box, and dialog list.

Question 7Woody created a mail-in database, enabled Enforce a Consistent Access Control List Across All Replicas in the Advanced tab of the ACL, and replicated it out to four other servers. Three of the mail-in database replicas are receiving mail, but one is not. Why?
  • A. The fourth replica doesn't have the same ACL as the others, which prevents it from receiving mail.

  • B. The Mail-In Database document is missing from the Domino Directory.

  • C. The fourth replica's server is down.

  • D. The Enable Mail-In Database document is missing from the Domino Directory.

Question 8James decides to embed a date picker for a calendar view in a Domino database accessed through the Web. What should he do?
  • A. Embed the date picker in a frameset and target the frame containing the calendar view.

  • B. Embed the date picker in the view and enable the Java applet.

  • C. Embed the date picker in a frameset, target the frame containing the calendar view, and enable the Java applet.

  • D. The date picker is not supported on the Web.

Question 9Which of the following is not a reason an agent may be running too slowly?
  • A. Too many agents are running at the same time.

  • B. The agent code is too long.

  • C. The agent is working its way through one document at a time.

  • D. The database is not full-text indexed.

Question 10The database SalesInventory.nsf is used on both the Notes and Domino client. Bill is explicitly listed in the database ACL with Editor access. When Bill logs onto the database through Domino, he finds he can only look at the documents, not edit them. Why?
  • A. Documents from a Lotus Notes database cannot be edited on the Web.

  • B. The Maximum Internet name and password access is Reader.

  • C. Bill is not listed in the Author fields of the documents.

  • D. Bill is a member of a group in the ACL that has only Reader access.

Question 11Allen wants to display HTML on a form in the Lotus Notes client. What should he do?
  • A. Nothing. HTML does not appear on the Lotus Notes client.

  • B. Check the Render Pass Through HTML in Notes box on the Form Info tab.

  • C. Check the Render Pass Through HTML box on the Form HTML tab.

  • D. Type <HTML> on the form and any text following it will be rendered into HTML.

Question 12What is the lowest number of times this formula will run?
@If(@Today > ReturnDate; FIELD Status := "Late"; "");
t := 1;
t := t +1;
t >= ((ReturnDate - @Today) / 86400)

  • A. Unable to tell.

  • B. 2.

  • C. 1.

  • D. Infinite.

Question 13What will be the value of x when the @For loop runs for the final time?
@For(x := 1; x < 10; x := x + 1;
@Prompt([OK];"Count";"The count is now " + @Text(x)))

  • A. 10.

  • B. 1.

  • C. 9.

  • D. The loop will not run.

Question 14A database contains documents and responses to documents. The parent documents have a field called Status, which is changeable from “New” to “Pending” to “Complete.” The responses to these documents have a field called ParentStatus, which needs to reflect any changes made to the parent document. What formula can be used in the ParentStatus field to keep it current?
  • A. @GetDocField($Ref;”ParentStatus”)

  • B. @GetDocField(ParentStatus;$Ref)

  • C. Status

  • D. @GetDocField($Ref;”Status”)

Question 15Kendra wants to allow users to create documents through a view without opening another window. She chose the appropriate settings in the view and the column where users will enter their data. However, the application does not work. What is missing?
  • A. @Command([EditView]) must be placed in the PostQuery event of the view.

  • B. @Command([EditView]) must be placed in the InViewEdit event of the view.

  • C. LotusScript code must be placed in the InViewEdit event of the view.

  • D. Either B or C.

Question 16Which is a true statement about Effective Access?
  • A. Effective Access goes through the entire database to determine user access.

  • B. Effective Access means the highest level of access a user has in a database.

  • C. Effective Access means the lowest level of access a user can have to be effective.

  • D. Effective Access checks the access of all the users in the ACL and lists their memberships in groups and roles.

Question 17Data Connection Resources (DCRs)
  • A. allow developers to bring in other applications for use as tools in the Designer client.

  • B. cannot be shared across applications.

  • C. require that the application to which you are connecting be installed on a Domino server.

  • D. are created before a data source server reference is designated.

Question 18Which formula will result in the following value for the variable x?
"Erie Huron Michigan Ontario Superior"

  • A. @If(Lakes != “”; x := @Sort(Lakes); “”)

  • B. @If(Lakes != “”; x:= @Sort([ASCENDING]; Lakes); “”)

  • C. @If(Lakes != “”; x:= @Sort(Lakes; [ASCENDING]); “”)

  • D. A and C

Question 19The default Index Encrypted Fields option is selected when the index is created on a database. This means that
  • A. encrypted fields cannot be searched unless the user has an encryption key.

  • B. encrypted fields can be searched and their contents read.

  • C. the full text index file is unencrypted plain text and anyone with access to the server can read the file.

  • D. None of the above are true.

Question 20Anne has just created a document that requires her approval before it can go on to Nicholas for his approval. Anne saves the document without approving it, and Nicholas receives an email message requesting his approval for the document. What has happened?
  • A. The form contains a MailOptions field set to 1.

  • B. The SendTo field was set to Nicholas' name.

  • C. The SaveOptions field was set to 1.

  • D. The Sign field value was enabled.

Question 21@DialogBox requires two forms. The Host form has a button that uses @DialogBox to display the layout region in the Dialog form. The Dialog form contains text, graphics, and fields, and is set up to resemble a dialog box. Which of the following is not true about @DialogBox?
  • A. @DialogBox can be set so fields in the Host form do not get updated by fields in the Dialog form.

  • B. @DialogBox can pass values from fields on the Dialog form to the Host form without the Host form containing these fields.

  • C. @DialogBox works only in open documents.

  • D. A title parameter is required in @DialogBox.

Question 22To find out whether a calendar view format is set for 7 days, the following @Function is needed:
  • A. @GetViewFormat

  • B. @GetViewAttribute

  • C. @GetCalendarFormat

  • D. @GetViewInfo

Question 23Where is Extended ACL (xACL) used?
  • A. Domino Directory, Extended Directory Catalog, and Administration Requests database.

  • B. Domino Directory, Extended Directory Catalog, and LOG.nsf.

  • C. Domino Directory, Extended Directory Catalog, and NAMES.nsf.

  • D. Domino Directory, Extended Directory Catalog, and Execution Control List.

Question 24Molly is running an agent that sends mail and creates documents; the agent has been set to run on her behalf. What can Molly expect from this agent?
  • A. The mail documents will list the server as the sender.

  • B. Molly will be listed as the author of any new documents the agent creates.

  • C. The agent will have access to any database from which it gathers data.

  • D. All of the above.

Question 25There are three embedded views in a form. To how many embedded editors can they be linked?
  • A. Each embedded view is automatically linked to one embedded editor.

  • B. Each embedded view must have two embedded editors: one for edit mode, the other for read mode.

  • C. Each embedded view can be linked to one or more embedded editors.

  • D. A and C.

Question 26Jeff assigns the value of a text field to a column in a view. To show whether or not an attachment file is present, he assigns the field where the attachment is stored to another column in the same view. When Jeff opens the view, which of the following events happens?
  • A. The column with the text field displays its contents and the other column displays a paperclip.

  • B. The column with the text field displays its contents and the other column displays Unable to display rich text.

  • C. Text from the file attachment spills its contents into the column on the right. Jeff cannot see the contents of that column.

  • D. The column with the text field displays its contents and the other column displays nothing.

Question 27How are application bookmarks created?
  • A. Create Data Connection Resources (DCRs), then drag the application icon to the list of design elements.

  • B. Click on Import, located on the File menu, select the filename of the application, and click Import.

  • C. Locate an application icon shortcut and drag it to the bookmark bar.

  • D. Create the proper Data Connect Resource (DCR), then drag the application icon shortcut to the bookmark bar.

Question 28Where is the private encryption key stored?
  • A. User ID file.

  • B. User's Person document.

  • C. The private key is always paired with the public key wherever the public key is stored.

  • D. A and B.

Question 29Which of the following statements is true?
  • A. Any view can be included in view logging.

  • B. Only views such as $All should be in view logging.

  • C. Server restarts can perform faster if views are included in the transaction log.

  • D. All of the above.

  • E. A and C.

Question 30This formula runs in a scheduled agent:
MsgBody := "This request was due on " + DueDate +
", and will be removed within 24 hours if the
document is not finalized." + @NewLine + @NewLine +
"Click on the document link to view the request ->";

@If(DocStatus="Pending" & DueDate=@Today;
@MailSend(Requester;RequesterMgr;"";"Request Past Due";

Although requests are due, emails are not being sent. Why?

  • A. The problem is in the @If statement. DueDate and @Today must be converted into the same data type.

  • B. The problem is in MsgBody. The sentences should be concatenated with “&” rather than “+”.

  • C. The problem is in MsgBody. DueDate must be converted to the same data type.

  • D. The problem is in the @If statement. The @MailSend requires a Remark.

Question 31Diane has an inventory view and would like various rows to display red text when quantities are 10 or less; otherwise regular text is displayed. What formula should she use?
  • A. @If(Quantity<=10;255:0:0;0:0:0)

  • B. @If(Quantity<=10;255:0:0:0:0:0;””)

  • C. @If(Quantity<=10;255:0:0:;255:255:255)

  • D. None of the above

Question 32Jackie includes an [Encrypt] flag with her @MailSend command. How does the document get encrypted?
  • A. The document is encrypted with the recipient's private key, so that only the person with the matching public key can read the document.

  • B. The document is encrypted with the recipient's public key, so that only the person with the matching private key can read the document.

  • C. There is a SecretEncryptionKeys field in the document. Potential recipients have been sent an encryption key so that they can read the document.

  • D. The formula with the @MailSend command also includes @MailEncryptSavedPreference for encryption.

Question 33The effective username is used for
  • A. Database access rights and directing actions an agent can perform; it also serves as a mail sender.

  • B. Document author and encryption rights, and is the authority under which an agent runs.

  • C. Ability to create databases on the server and locking and unlocking documents, and is the authority under which an agent runs.

  • D. Mail sender, encryption rights, and locking and unlocking documents.

Question 34One type of application workflow is called the Individual Mail Databases method. This type of workflow is to be used when users do not go to a database to review and approve documents, but create, receive, respond, and route documents to other users all through email. One advantage to this application workflow is that these users can simply access their mail and do not need to access their mail and a remote database. What would be a disadvantage in this type of workflow?
  • A. Requires a lot of server disk space because forms must be stored with any documents sent to the user's mail database.

  • B. Requires remote access through a modem.

  • C. Workflow takes longer to complete because the work has to be done sequentially.

  • D. A and C.

  • E. A, B, and C.

Question 35When Robert Bristow opens the “Regional” view, he sees his documents in blue text with a yellow background. He sees other documents in black text with a white background. Which row color formula makes this possible?
  • A. @If(@UserName=”Robert Bristow”;255:255:0:0:0:0;255:255:0:0:0:255)

  • B. @If(@Name([CN];@UserName)=”Robert Bristow”;255:255:0:0:0:255;255:255:255:0:0:0)

  • C. @If(@Name([CN];@UserName)=”Robert Bristow” & DocCreator=@UserName;255:255:0:0:0:255;255:255:255:0:0:0)

  • D. @If(@Name([CN]=”Robert Bristow”;0:0:255:255:255:0;0:0:0:255:255:255)

Question 36A document was deleted in one replica database and edited once in another. Which will take precedence during replication—the deletion or the edited document?
  • A. If the editing occurred after the deletion, the edited document takes precedence.

  • B. If the editing occurred before the deletion, the edited document takes precedence.

  • C. The deletion always takes precedence.

  • D. The edited document always takes precedence.

Question 37If a scheduled agent misses its scheduled run because it was being enabled, disabled, modified, pasted, or saved, the following occurs:
  • A. The agent runs immediately if it was saved and scheduled monthly, weekly, or daily.

  • B. The agent runs immediately if it was enabled and scheduled monthly, weekly, or daily.

  • C. The agent runs immediately if it was modified and scheduled monthly, weekly, or daily.

  • D. All of the above.

  • E. A and C.

Question 38Ian has a form that has the Store Form in Documents property enabled. Because the database containing this form is not a mail-in database and Ian wants to reduce the size of the database, he needs to create an agent that will remove this property from all the documents. Ian must
  • A. remove all internal fields connected with the form.

  • B. rename the form.

  • C. compact the database.

  • D. A and C.

  • E. All but D.

Question 39What does the following formula return?

  • A. A text list of default user access privileges in the current database.

  • B. A text list of the user's access privileges in the current database.

  • C. Nothing. A keyword is needed to determine particular access privileges.

  • D. Nothing will be returned if used on a local database.

Question 40Keith's users want to be able to customize the color preference in the Main view. In response, Keith enables Use Value as Color and User Definable properties of the first column and sets some color choices, the default being black text. He also adds a color field to the database profile document to automatically open a color picker for the user to make his or her selection. Users are choosing colors, but they aren't seeing their choices in the view. Why?
  • A. The field containing the color picker has to be referenced in the first column.

  • B. Color pickers should be embedded in a richtextlite field.

  • C. The profile document has to be referenced by name on the column properties.

  • D. All but B.

Question 41Which of the following does not convert a data type into a date-time value?
  • A. @ToTime

  • B. @IsTime

  • C. @TextToTime

  • D. All of the above

Question 42What is the result of the following formula?
@Keywords("Lions lose season opener":
"prowling tigers win in extra innings":
"Endurance pushes the leoPards over the top":
"Cheetahs make burst of speed";

  • A. Lions;Tigers;Leopards;Cheetahs

  • B. lions;tigers;cheetahs

  • C. lions;tigers;leopards;cheetahs

  • D. tigers

Question 43The VacationRequest form is created by users with at least Author access to the database. The form has a section that must be filled in and okayed by a departmental manager. Belinda is a departmental manager, but she cannot make changes in this section after she places the document in edit mode. What is causing the problem?
  • A. Belinda does not have Editor access in the database ACL.

  • B. Belinda does not have the proper role.

  • C. Belinda is not listed in the Authors field of the document.

  • D. Belinda does not have proper access to the VacationRequest form.

Question 44Brandon wants to list a date range in a multi-value field. He creates a formula: @Explode(01/01/2003 – 01/31/2003), but upon testing it, he sees: ERROR: Incorrect data type for operator or @function: Text expected. How can he correct the formula?
  • A. @Explode(@Text(01/01/2003) - @Text(01/31/2003))

  • B. @Explode(@Date(“01/01/2003”) - @Date(“01/31/2003”))

  • C. @Explode(“01/01/2003” – “01/31/2003”)

  • D. @Explode([01/01/2003] –01/31/2003])

Question 45What is not true about the Single Copy Template (SCT)?
  • A. Designers can enable SCT through the properties of the New Database Info tab.

  • B. Databases that use an SCT-enabled template do not need to store their design elements, but they must retrieve them from the template instead.

  • C. SCT reduces the drain on server resources, storage, and memory.

  • D. A database (.nsf) is smaller in size than its SCT-enabled template.

Question 46Which database optimization properties require compaction of the database in order to take affect?
  • A. Don't Overwrite Freespace, Don't Support Specialized Response Hierarchy, and Limit Entries in $UpdatedBy Fields.

  • B. Allow Use of Stored Forms in This Database, Maintain LastAccessed Property, and Limit Entries in $Revisions Fields.

  • C. Display Images After Loading, Document Table Bitmap Optimization, and Don't Overwrite Freespace.

  • D. Don't Maintain Unread Marks, Document Table Bitmap Optimization, and Don't Support Response Hierarchy.

Question 47Eric finds out that a user has created several profile documents. How should he get rid of the extra profile documents and what can he do to prevent this situation from occurring again?
  • A. Create a view showing the user's profile documents and delete them manually. Deselect Include in Menu from the profile document form properties.

  • B. Create a formula agent to remove the user's extra profile documents. Deselect Include in Menu from the profile document form properties.

  • C. Create a LotusScript agent to remove the user's extra profile documents. Deselect Include in Menu from the profile document form properties.

  • D. B and C.

Question 48To get the name of a table, use
  • A. @Command([TableName])

  • B. @GetTableFocus([TABLENAME])

  • C. @Table([TABLENAME])

  • D. @GetFocusTable([TABLENAME])

Question 49In order to mail documents automatically, the following field(s) are required to be in the form:
  • A. MailOptions

  • B. SendTo

  • C. SaveOptions

  • D. A and B

Question 50Rachel wants to print only two particular frames in a frameset at one time. Which Print selection does she use?
  • A. Selected frames only.

  • B. As laid out on screen.

  • C. Each frame individually.

  • D. None of the above.

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