Begin the Exam

Question 1The three main rules for tags in HTML are
  • A. Tags are case sensitive.

    Tags should have both a start and an end.

    One set of tags should be wholly contained within another.

  • B. Tags are not case sensitive.

    Tags should have both a start and an end.

    One set of tags should be wholly contained within another.

  • C. Tags must be lowercase.

    Tags should have both a start and an end.

    One set of tags should be wholly contained within another.

  • D. Tags must be uppercase.

    Tags should have both a start and an end.

    One set of tags should be wholly contained within another.

Question 2A user is viewing the source of a Web document that has been generated by Domino. How many sets of form tags will be seen?
  • A. One.

  • B. Two.

  • C. None.

  • D. As many as needed.

Question 3John wants to display text and graphics with appropriate spacing and positioning in a browser. He needs to use which of the following to accomplish this?
  • A. A form.

  • B. A page.

  • C. A table.

  • D. A section.

Question 4Mary has a computed field that shows the date 05/21/2003 in the browser. She writes some JavaScript code to subtract 2 months and 5 days from that date. When her code runs, which of the following occurs?
  • A. Her new date is 03/16/2003.

  • B. Her new date is 16/03/2003.

  • C. She gets an error message.

  • D. Her new date is 07/26/2003.

Question 5Mary is hiding a field using Notes' Hide/When option. She wants to use the value in this field in calculations in a browser. To accomplish this she does which of the following?
  • A. Sets the field property Send to Browser.

  • B. Sets the field hide/when property Web browsers.

  • C. Sets the form property Generate HTML for all fields.

  • D. Sets the database property Use JavaScript when Generating Pages.

Question 6Tom has a variable whose value is available to all scripts on a document and will hold the initial value of the Category field. He enabled this by doing which of the following?
  • A. Declaring and setting the value of the variable in the onLoad event of the Category field.

  • B. Declaring the variable in the JS Header event of the form and setting the value in the onLoad event of the form.

  • C. Declaring the variable in the JS Header event of the form and setting the value in the onFocus event of the Category field.

  • D. Declaring the variable in the JS Header event of the form and setting the value in the onLoad event of the Category field.

Question 7John has created a field in one of his databases. He later realizes that he needs to create similar fields in other forms in his database and in another database. He wants to make the creation and maintaining of these fields as painless as possible, so he does which one of the following?
  • A. Copies and pastes the field into each form as needed.

  • B. Creates the field each time he needs it on each form.

  • C. Shares the field and creates a field with the same name when needed.

  • D. Shares the field and inserts the shared field on each form as needed.

Question 8Bill has built a Web application that displays documents to users. However, when users look at the list of documents, the list is difficult to read because of poor column spacing. Bill implements which of the following solutions to solve this problem?
  • A. He creates new blank columns to act as spacers in his view design, and gives them a width of 10.

  • B. He creates new formula columns to act as spacers in his view design, and places the following HTML code in the column Titles”[<td width = 10 />] and [<td width = 10 />] for the formula.

  • C. He creates a new field containing blank spaces on the form that was used to create the documents, and then recalculates the documents. He then creates new columns to act as spacers in his view design, and uses the new field as the value for each of them.

  • D. He creates new formula columns to act as spacers in his view design, and places the following HTML code in the column Titles[<td width = 10 />] and “[<td width = 10 />]” for the formula.

Question 9Users of a database complained that the display of documents was taking too long to download to their browsers, and that the display was not well organized because they were seeing lots of documents that were of no interest to them. Jenny did which of the following to solve the problem?
  • A. She created a single category view, with a default category, and allowed the users to choose the category that they wanted to see.

  • B. She created a single category view, with a default category.

  • C. She customized the interface to send fewer documents to the browser.

  • D. She used a table to organize the Web display, and sent fewer documents per request to the browser.

Question 10A client has told Jeff that all of the 20 views in the database must display on the Web with the same look and feel. Jeff needs to choose which of the following options to accomplish this with the least amount of effort?
  • A. Create one view, copy it 19 times, and just change the selection formulas and column values.

  • B. Create a form named $$ViewTemplate for <<view name>>, copy it 19 times, and rename it appropriately for each view.

  • C. Create a form named $$ViewTemplate for <<view name>>, with a field named $$ViewBody, copy it 19 times, and rename it appropriately for each view.

  • D. Create a form named $$ViewTemplateDefault with a field named $$ViewBody.

Question 11Faye wants to keep users focused on her Web site but needs to provide links to other sites. She decides to launch those links into a new window so that when users are finished and close the window, her site is still open. Which of the following options should she use in her code to accomplish this?
  • A. _parent.

  • B. _blank.

  • C. _self.

  • D. _top.

Question 12When Mark previewed his page in a browser, a button he'd coded to perform an action disappeared. He investigated and found that one of the following was responsible:
  • A. The hide/when property Notes R4.6 or later was selected.

  • B. The button was coded in Common JavaScript to run on Client.

  • C. The button was coded in JavaScript to run on Client.

  • D. The button was coded in JavaScript to run on Web.

Question 13When users of a Web site submitted documents, the designer wanted to display a specific acceptance page, but didn't want to display the URL of the page in the browser. Which one of the following will accomplish the task?
  • A. An agent to Absolutely Redirect the browser to the page.

  • B. An agent to Relatively Redirect the browser to the page.

  • C. A $$Return field with an Absolute URL formula.

  • D. A $$Return field with a Relative URL formula.

Question 14When users submit registration information through a browser, Jill would like to check to see whether they've registered before, so that duplicate documents are not created. She has written code to perform this task and to inform users with a custom message that their registrations have been successful. Everything works as expected on the development server. When she moves the database to the testing server she gets a “Form Processed” message when users submit their documents; otherwise all is fine. Which of the following has most likely caused the problem?
  • A. The database is corrupt.

  • B. The database ACL does not allow the running of agents.

  • C. The database ACL does not allow anonymous access.

  • D. The server document does not allow Jill to run agents.

Question 15Reggie has an agent that is triggered by an Action of a browser user. He wants to make sure that the agent cannot do more than the user could do if the user were doing it manually, so he sets which of the following options?
  • A. Agent property: Run as Web user.

  • B. Database property: Disable background agents for this database.

  • C. Agent Property: Run on behalf of.

  • D. Agent Property: Private.

Question 16The database designer decided to use Profile documents to hold session information about users accessing the Web site. A decision is now needed as to which language to use to set and retrieve the values in each Profile document. Which one of the following languages would be more efficient to use?
  • A. Formula.

  • B. JavaScript.

  • C. LotusScript.

  • D. HTML.

Question 17Xavier needs to move data among a wide variety of databases and sources. He is writing code to facilitate his data interchange electronically. He'll be creating his data elements using which of the following languages?
  • A. HTML.

  • B. XML.

  • C. SGML.

  • D. XSL.

Question 18To create well-formed XML, which of the following has to be done?
  • A. Start and matching end tags must be same case.

    Must have matching tags.

    Tags must be properly nested.

  • B. Start and end tags need not be same case.

    Must have matching tags.

    Tags must be properly nested.

  • C. Tags must be lowercase.

    Tags should have both a start and an end.

    One set of tags should be wholly contained within another.

  • D. Tags must be uppercase.

    Tags should have both a start and an end.

    One set of tags should be wholly contained within another.

Question 19Any organization that produces XML documents for data transfer must have standards for producing such XML. These standards are codified in which of the following?
  • A. XML.

  • B. XSL.

  • C. DXL.

  • D. DTD.

Question 20When Web users submit their registration, Tom wants to ensure that all the mandatory fields are filled before the document is saved. He does his validations in which of the following languages?
  • A. Formula.

  • B. LotusScript.

  • C. JavaScript.

  • D. Java.

Question 21To validate a Combobox field with JavaScript, what property must be examined?
  • A. selected.

  • B. checked.

  • C. value.

  • D. None of the above.

Question 22Kayla is producing an application that will be browsed only by users using IE. She needs to validate a date entry. Which of the following options will she NOT need to check for?
  • A. getDate().

  • B. getMonth() + 1.

  • C. “Nan”.

  • D. “Invalid Date”.

Question 23Zainul imported some XML data from another organization. The data cannot be used in its current package because its DTD is different from Zainul's organization's DTD. Zainul needs to convert the imported data into an XML that his application can understand. He uses one of the following to do the conversion:
  • A. CSS.

  • B. DXL.

  • C. XSLT.

  • D. XSL.

Question 24Dimitri's intranet application relies heavily on information stored in relational databases. Which of the following is NOT for accessing the information?
  • A. Formula.

  • B. Java.

  • C. LotusScript.

  • D. JavaScript.

Question 25In using Java from a Web page to access data in backend sources, which of the following should be a choice of last resort?
  • A. Agents.

  • B. Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs).

  • C. JavaBeans.

  • D. Servlets.

Question 26Sunitha is using legacy Java code in her application. She is accessing the Java code with LotusScript. To do this, she must do which one of the following?
  • A. Enter Uselsx “*javacon” in the Declarations event.

  • B. Enter Uselsx “*javacon” in the Options event.

  • C. Enter %Include “lsconst.lss” in the Declarations event.

  • D. Enter %Include “lsconst.lss” in the Options event.

Question 27Paul is reading some HTML code. The following start and end tags appear in the code: <% %>. This part of the code is for which of the following?
  • A. A JSP.

  • B. JavaScript on a JSP.

  • C. A Java scriptlet on a JSP.

  • D. A space indicator in a URL.

Question 28To ensure that only authorized Web users access her database, the database manager needs to set the database's ACL with which of the following settings?
  • A. Anonymous: No Access; -Default-: Reader.

  • B. Anonymous: Reader; -Default-: No Access.

  • C. Anonymous: Reader; -Default-: Reader.

  • D. Anonymous: No access; -Default-: No Access.

Question 29Melanie has a series of buttons and Actions on a form that is to be used on an intranet. When she previews the form in the browser, all the buttons done with Formula are acting as submit buttons and the Actions coded with Formula are missing. Which one of the following is responsible for this behavior?
  • A. The Formula Actions were hidden from Web browsers.

  • B. The database property Use JavaScript when generating pages is not selected.

  • C. The form property Use JavaScript when generating pages is not selected.

  • D. The browser property Use JavaScript when generating pages is not selected.

Question 30The database administrator is worried about Web users gaining access to documents via the 0 view, so he asks a developer to prevent anyone from accessing the 0 view. The designer should do which of the following?
  • A. Create a view named 0 with a Form Formula of ”Blank Form” and create a fieldless form named Blank Form.

  • B. Create a view named 0 with a Selection Formula of “Blank Form” and create a fieldless form named Blank Form.

  • C. Create a view named 0 with the Read Access List set to LocaDomainAdmins.

  • D. Delete the 0 view.

Question 31Jerome has numerous views in his Web database. He wants to ensure that only those views that he wants the users to see are available through the browser, so he does which of the following?
  • A. Encloses each nonauthorized view's name in parentheses ().

  • B. Creates a form named $$ViewTemplateDefault with a field named $$ViewBody.

  • C. For each authorized view he creates a form named $$ViewTemplate for the view's name with a field named $$ViewBody.

  • D. Creates a form named $$ViewTemplateDefault, and for each authorized view a form named $$ViewTemplate for the view's name with a field named $$ViewBody.

Question 32Kamila would like her Web users to have basic access to read and update data stored in a non-Notes data source. She doesn't want to involve a database designer to implement this. Which one of the choices should she implement?
  • A. Data Connection Resource (DCRs).

  • B. Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS).

  • C. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

  • D. It can't be done without involving a database designer.

Question 33Blaine is trying to secure his Web database. He wants to limit his Web users to Read access only, but unfortunately they sometimes want to submit search requests, which requires that he provide fields where users can input the search criteria. Can he overcome his dilemma? If so, how?
  • A. He can't overcome his dilemma. He has to grant Author access.

  • B. He can't overcome his dilemma, but grants Read access anyhow. His users will just have to do without searching.

  • C. He creates a Notes page, uses Pass-Thru HTML to generate an input object (field) in the browser, and places a button to submit the search. When clicked, the button is coded to generate a URL based on the information in the input object.

  • D. He creates a Notes Form, uses Pass-Thru HTML to generate an input object (field) in the browser, and places a button to submit the search. When clicked, the button is coded to generate a URL based on the information in the input object.

Question 34Jade is ready to set up her DCR to a DB2 database. She creates the DCR data connection, and it's working fine. She now attempts to create the fields to access the data in the DB2 database, but she doesn't see any Data Source Options in the field properties. What is she missing?
  • A. She forgot to select the External data source option on the first tab of the Field properties box.

  • B. She forgot to select the External data source option on the second tab of the Form properties box.

  • C. She forgot to select the Show field delimiters option on the second tab of the Field properties box.

  • D. She forgot to select the Allow connections to external databases using DCRs option on the first tab of the Database properties box.

Question 35Jade finally got her Field properties box to show her Data Source Options, but she has to enter the DCR's name for every link field that she creates. This is very frustrating and she wonders whether there's a way to automatically have it generated every time she creates a new link field. Choose the option that solves her problem.
  • A. Select the External data source option on the first tab of the Field properties box.

  • B. Use the Browse button to select the default data connection and the Default metadata object on the second tab of the Form properties box.

  • C. Use the Browse button to select the Metadata object name and the Data connection resource on the first tab of the Field properties box.

  • D. Select the Allow connections to external databases using DCRs option on the first tab of the Database properties box.

Question 36Sandra is building an application for Web users to submit their resumes. She wants them to be able to attach their resumes to the submission form. She needs to add which one of the following to provide the users with the appropriate functionality?
  • A. Rich Text field.

  • B. Rich Text Lite field, with input limited to attachments.

  • C. File Upload field.

  • D. File Upload Control.

Question 37Jazmine is creating a form for use on an intranet and in Notes. The client for whom she is creating the form has made her rearrange her form design over and over in the past, because although the client knows what needs to be on the form, the client is not sure about the layout. Jazmine is determined to have an easier time this time. She should attempt to facilitate this by implementing which of the following?
  • A. She creates separate forms, one for each possible configuration that the client could possibly want.

  • B. She uses tables to arrange the contents of the form.

  • C. She uses sections to arrange the contents of the form.

  • D. She uses layers on the form. She places each complementary set of information on a different layer. For example, each graphic is on its own layer, each grouping of text is on its own layer, and so on.

Question 38Kevin is creating style sheets. Every time he needs to work on a style sheet he has to navigate to his style sheet editing application. He works on his style sheets when he is working in his Shared Resources Style Sheets list. Choose an option that will give Kevin easy access to his style sheet editor.
  • A. Add the editor to the Tools menu.

  • B. Add the editor to the Tools menu, and set it to show when the Style Sheet Resource list is accessed.

  • C. Create a shortcut to the editor and place the shortcut on the Designer Client desktop's bookmark bar.

  • D. Add the editor to the Tools menu, and set it to show when the Database Resource List is accessed.

Question 39Zainool is moving his Web application to another server. He does not want to notify his users that the database is being moved. This means that unless he implements the correct option from the following list, his users will not be able to access the application. Which of the options will Zainool implement to allow his users to continue to access the application, without his notifying them of the move?
  • A. Create a Web Site Redirection Rule document.

  • B. Create a Web Site Substitution Rule document.

  • C. Create a Web Site Directory Rule document.

  • D. Create a Web Site Document.

Question 40Robyn has a form that is to be used in both Notes' clients and browsers. Validations need to be done. Choose the best validation option for Robyn.
  • A. Write all validations in the Input Validation event of each appropriate field.

  • B. Write all validations in the QuerySave event.

  • C. Write all validations in JavaScript in the OnSubmit event of the form.

  • D. Write all validations in Common JavaScript in the OnSubmit event of the form.

Question 41Yuri wants to record each access to a particular page in his Web application, but does not want to grant any access other than Reader to anyone using a browser. How can Yuri accomplish this?
  • A. He writes an agent that will run on the Web users' behalf.

  • B. He writes an agent and signs it with an ID that has edit access to the document that will record the hits.

  • C. He writes an agent and signs it with the server's ID.

  • D. He grants Create LotusScript/Java Agents privileges to the WebUsers group in the ACL of the application.

Question 42As Web users navigate through the Web site, they are asked to authenticate several times. This is annoying, so the Web site designer has been asked to fix the problem so that users authenticate only when they first access the site, but authentication must still occur as per usual. She should do which of the following to accomplish this?
  • A. Enable Session authentication for Multiple Servers(SSO) in the Domino Web Engine tab of the Internet Site document.

  • B. Enable Session authentication for Single Server in the Domino Web Engine tab of the Internet Site document.

  • C. Write code to create cookies for depositing in Web users browsers.

  • D. Assign Reader access to Anonymous for all the databases used in the Web site.

Question 43Gordon is developing pages in Pass-Thru HTML. He sees his HTML code translated into output display as soon as he refreshes his screen. He enabled this by which of the following?
  • A. Deselecting Pass-Thru HTML in the Text menu, then deselecting HTML Pane in the View menu.

  • B. Deselecting Pass-Thru HTML in the Text menu, then selecting HTML Pane in the View menu.

  • C. Selecting Pass-Thru HTML in the Text menu, then deselecting HTML Pane in the View menu.

  • D. Selecting Pass-Thru HTML in the Text menu, then selecting HTML Pane in the View menu.

Question 44As Pascale is developing her Web application, she needs to use the graphics being created by several graphic designers. Unfortunately, these designers are not part of her Notes Domain and are not using Notes. Which of the following will allow her to access the designers' graphics?
  • A. She has them email her the files as attachments.

  • B. She has them upload the files to an Internet site to which she has access and downloads them from there.

  • C. She enables WebDAV, creates a database to store the graphic files, and makes the graphic designers set up WebDAV access on their machines.

  • D. She makes her unfinished application available over the Web to the designers, so that they can upload their files on a special form that she has designed for this purpose.

Question 45Stavros is a member of a Web design team that is working on a Web application. He doesn't want anyone to accidentally work on any of his design elements until he's finished designing them. How does he prevent them from doing so?
  • A. He makes sure that the Allow design locking option in the Database properties is selected, then selects the element in the element list and chooses Design -> Lock Design Element.

  • B. He makes sure that a Master Lock Server is assigned to the database, then makes sure that the Allow Design Locking option in the Database properties is selected, then selects the element in the element list and chooses Design -> Lock Design Element.

  • C. He makes sure that a Master Lock Server is assigned to the database, then makes sure that the Allow Document Locking option in the Database properties is selected, then selects the element in the element list and chooses Design -> Lock Design Element.

  • D. He doesn't need to do anything. Each design element is automatically locked as soon as it is being edited.

Question 46Colleen has some files to which her Web users need Read access. She wants to make sure that all they can do is read. What does she need to do to ensure the security of her files?
  • A. Create a Web Site Rule document that gives her Web users Read/Execute access (GET Method).

  • B. Create a Web Site File Protection document that gives her Web users No Access.

  • C. Create a Web Site File Protection document that gives her Web users Read/Execute access (GET method).

  • D. Create a Web Site File Protection document that gives her Web users Write/Read/Execute access (POST and GET method).

Question 47Ziggy placed a series of transparent sibling layers on his form. He numbered them in the order in which he placed them as siblings; Layer_1, Layer_2, Layer_3. He then stacked them and changed their Z-Indexes to reflect the stack order with Layer_1 being on top and Layer 3 being on the bottom. When he tested the form, he realized that he needed Layer_2 to be calculated before the others. Which one of the following options must he choose to make this happen?
  • A. Give Layer_2 a Z-Index of 1.

  • B. Change the Z-Indexes to reflect a stack order of Layer_2 on the bottom and the others above.

  • C. Place the Layer Anchors in the following order: Layer_2, Layer_1, Layer_3.

  • D. Change the Z-Indexes to reflect a stack order of Layer_2 on top and the others below.

Question 48Anmarie's client wants all the company's Web pages to have the same look and feel for the text content. Anmarie will not be responsible for the text content of most of the pages. How can she best fulfill her client's wishes?
  • A. Manually format all the Web pages to the client's specifications.

  • B. Use Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformers (XSLT) to format the text.

  • C. Use Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) to format the text.

  • D. Create Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that contain the client's specifications and apply them to all the Web pages.

Question 49Thelma is creating an application for the company's intranet. The users will be creating and submitting documents based on other documents to which they have access. Thelma wants to have some of the fields filled in automatically with information from the parent document. What's the best way for her to do this?
  • A. She creates forms that have inheritance enabled and writes formulas in the appropriate fields to inherit the information from the parent document.

  • B. She creates forms that have inheritance enabled and writes JavaScript in the appropriate fields to inherit the information from the parent document.

  • C. She creates Response forms and writes formulas in the appropriate fields to inherit the information from the parent document.

  • D. She creates forms that have inheritance enabled and writes JavaScript in the onLoad event to inherit the information from the parent document.

Question 50Marva's intranet workflow application needs to send mail when users submit certain documents via the browser. The mail will contain excerpts from the submitted document. She implements this by doing which one of the following?
  • A. She writes a Simple Action(s) agent to send mail and calls the agent in the WebQuerySave event of the form.

  • B. She writes a JavaScript agent to send mail and calls the agent in the WebQuerySave event of the form.

  • C. She writes a Formula agent to send mail and calls the agent in the WebQuerySave event of the form.

  • D. She writes a LotusScript agent to send mail and calls the agent in the WebQuerySave event of the form.

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