Using Form Formulas to Control Form Display in Views

The view design form formula determines which forms are used to compose, display, and/or edit documents. The form formulas give you programmatic control over which form is used, based upon a condition or formula. However, the form formula is optional. The form that is used to display a document is based upon the following conditions, which are evaluated in order of precedence (the first condition is evaluated before the second, the second condition before the third, and so on):

  1. Form stored in the document

  2. Form specified by the view form formula

  3. Form used to create the document (stored in the Form item contained within the document)

  4. Default database form

When specifying a form formula in the view/folder design, the form formula must evaluate to the name (as a string value) of a form contained within the database.

To modify the form formula in a view, open the view from the Domino Designer. Select the Form Formula object in the Objects tab. Enter the formula in the script area (see Figure 8.6).

Figure 8.6. Specifying the Form Formula.

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