Create/Set Up Workflow Roles

The @UserRoles function is used when roles have been created for the current database. This function returns a text list naming the member roles of the specified user.

Roles contain a subset of the database users, groups, or servers, and provide or restrict access to particular database design elements, functions, or document contents. Unlike groups, servers, and persons who are defined in the Domino directory, roles are defined in the database Access Control List.

The @UserNamesList function is used when roles have been created for the current database. This function returns a text list containing the specified username, any groups of which the specified user is a member, and any roles of which the specified user is a member.

With both @UserRoles and @UserNamesList, you should use the function @IsMember to create a conditional statement that determines whether the user has the rights to perform a particular function or to view particular text or fields. These fields, used in hide-when formulas, can selectively hide fields, text, or other objects based upon the roles to which the current user is assigned.

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