Creating Public Access Agents, Views, and Forms

Public Access grants users with limited or no access, read or write permissions to design elements set to allow public access. The Access Control List (ACL) manages the access to design elements within the database. Users granted No Access or Depositor accesses do not have the rights to access design elements in the database. In some circumstances you may want to allow certain users access to specific design elements only; you can do so by allowing Public access to those elements. A good example of the use of Public access is allowing others to read your calendar without giving them access to the rest of your mail file. Public access can be designated for forms (as seen in Figure 14.1), views, agents, subforms, pages, outlines, and style sheets. In this section we are going to look at allowing Public access for forms, views, and agents.

Figure 14.1. The Form Properties Security tab and $PublicAccess field.

Follow these steps to assign Public access to a form:

Open the Form Properties and click the Security tab.

Select Available to Public Access Users.

On the form, create a Text, Computed When Composed field.

Name the field $PublicAccess.

In the Programmers Pane type “1”.

Select the Paragraph Hide When tab in the Field Properties and select All Clients under Hide Paragraph From.

Most $ fieldnames are built and used by Domino internally with predefined functionality. Others, designers need to create for their specific functionality. It is important to know which functionalities are viable on the Web, such as the $PublicAccess field.

Now you must create a Public folder or view to display the Public Access documents. To designate Public access in a view, follow these steps:

Open the View Properties and click the Security tab.

Under Public Access select Available to Public Access Users.

Follow these steps to make manually run agents available to Public access users:

Open the Agent Properties and click the Security tab.

Under Public Access select Allow Public Access Users to View and Run This Agent.

After the design elements have been set to allow Public access there is one more step. As shown in Figure 14.2, you must allow Public access to the database through the ACL.

Figure 14.2. Access Control List.

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